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Invoker advanced guide dota 2: >> << (Download)
Invoker advanced guide dota 2: >> << (Read Online)
Hello guys this is meric I made a promise for u to make a full guide for invoker and i did finish finally after 10 hours of working on the part 1
15 Aug 2016 Monib is a 7.2K MMR professional Dota 2 player. He's well known for his plays at Veggies together with Merlini, Capitalist, Maelk and Purge. He loves high skill cap heroes such as Invoker, Pudge and Storm Spirit. Drawn from deep within! This guide will help you pair your abilities together to create deadly
Yes invoker, this beast of a hero got one of the highest skill-cap in the world of dota due to it's versatility. . the clump up 4-5 then jump in with dagger and use tornado on as many heroes as possible, next depeding on how many quas points you have you should wait 1-2 seconds before casting meteor.
Find top Invoker build guides by DotA 2 players. Create, share and explore a wide variety of DotA 2 hero guides, builds and general strategy in a friendly community.
The answers here cover the invocation part well, but do learn the three builds also. For example, if your enemy's carry is Anti-Mage, a Quas-Wex invoker should probably be your choice [Disables like Tornado+EMP = no mana for blink]. Whenever you play a game, take a good look at the opposite team and decide your build
12 Jun 2017 Dotabuff is the leading statistics and community website for Dota 2.
16 Oct 2017
Quas + Exort Invoker. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25. Exort icon.png · Quas icon.png · Exort icon.png · Quas icon.png · Exort icon.png · Wex icon.png · Exort icon.png · Quas icon.png · Exort icon.png · Talent icon.png · Exort icon.png · Quas icon.
10 Sep 2013 In advanced guides, I will try to cover nearly every single detail so it should be obvious that the guide will be long and detailed. (that's what she said.) So if you're looking for a simple guide, I suggest other guides. Pretty much everyone knows that in dota2 Invoker is probably the hardest hero to play, and
6 Dec 2017 I love playing invoker and i know that a lot of people would like to get better with playing invoker that's why specially i made this guide so i can see people who love this hero actually playing it in the correct way , this is only the part 1 in the part 2 which that i'm still editing i will explain how to deal with so