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Flera äldre bilder har även försvunnit till följd av detta, vilket vi beklagar.
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Dylan <3 "I get angry when I'm furious!!" "PUTAIN!!" "I can't help it. He looks like a horse in a mancostume." "Don't make me laugh.. bitterly." "So did I too for a bit. But then I found o
Nu, ska jag fixa lite, 'errr'.
Manny: Is space hot? Bernard: Of course, where else do you think we get pineapples from?!
"Agree with me when I'm talking to you!" nu ska jag kolla på Fullmetal Alchemist sen sova. Gnatt~~~! 1.03am
"He looks like a horse in a man costume!" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fG__i6TlaCU&feature=channel_page laddade upp en av mina favorit scener med Bernard, och Fran xD! ajja, gnatt :']~~~~! 1.
Jag följde med Malin hem efter skolan idag, vi kollade på nåt avsnitt med Black Books, åt nå Bert Mccookies och drack lite trocadero, sen somna vi xD! och nu är jag
There's the elephant, he's happy with his balloon. Oh no, it's gone! Where is it? It's not behind the rhino. Look in the aligators mouth. It's not there either. Oh! The monkey's got it in the tree! He
"Love is an agressive thing you kno, when you're with somebody, for the first time, in the early stages when you fall in love, you kind of terrorize eachother, you kno, you say 'I love you S
"You say 'bedtime, bedtime, bedtime!' that's not what the child hears,what the child hears is 'Lie down in the dark! For hours, don't move." - Dylan Moran. Jag har ont i huvudet. ;<
Asså åh, My Chemical Romance - Desolation Row <3har lyssnat på den hela kvällen <3
"An Irish face always looks like it's been told two very important pieces of information, at the same time. At one shoulder somebody's just run up and said 'You've just won a hundred million thousand
Jag och malin sitter och sjunger Ted Gärdestad låtar :* och har det jättemysigt. <'312.11am
ENGLAND(well, kind off.. he likes to call himself 'European')
"Well, that's easy for you to say! You'll be off on the barge, trying to find your booty in a haze of gange and ting." - Dylan. gnatt~~~~! 1.12am
Va te sjukhuset idag, och min ögonläkare skrev ut bilderna på mina ögon som togs 2007. Så sådär ser dom ut. De svarta prickarna är de som gör att jag in
snygg bilden på Mikey jag hitta igår ;o plussss i want that shirt.
You said that you would die for me, you must live for me too.