1 March 2011
Today, it is a special BIG day.For our darling Justin Drew Bieber is 17 years in today.Say Congratulations!!! =)
Detta gäller justin drew bieber-ÄLSKARE, ni andra kan skita i detta! Idag den 1 mars 2011 ska alla jb-fans skrika "I LOVE YOU JUSTIN!" Kolla upp mot himlen och ge en luftp
On march 1 shall everybody who LOVES Justin Bieber have a heart on your cheek! Copy and paste to your mpd (: <3
12:56 March 1, 1994 was born a special guy named Justin Drew Bieber.Och today he fills 17 years and it will all make beliebers to write I Love Justin Bieber on the arm and make a heart to the sky. Cop
To @JustinBieberr94 Today was the seventeen years since you dropped out of Heaven. Our own little angel <3 Today is a special day. One day, all Beliebers will have a purple heart on the cheek. All
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