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Veckans Update
Galaxy Map
Har ni någon favoritplanet?
- Tython – Tython is the Jedi homeworld. It is large unexplored and was rocked by a near cataclysmic event which caused its original settlers to leave the planet. It was recently rediscovered 1000s of years later by modern Jedis. The world is largely unexplored and has “dark origins". Likely to be a major factor in end-game play.
- Korriban – Korriban is the homeworld of the Sith, and is the major planet in the galaxy for training of Dark Jedi.
- Hutta – Hutta is the base of operations for the Hutt species (think Jobba the Hutt). The various Hutt cartels operate out of this neutral planet.
- Ord Mantell – Ord Mantell is a Republic-controlled colony which is currently in a civil war. Crime syndicates control most of the interests on this planet, and are battling against the Repulbic for their independence.
- Coruscant – Coruscant is one of the most developed SWTOR planets and is the capital of the Republic. It is the location of the Republic’s senate and chancellor. It is one of the most populated planets but has not yet been rebuilt after Sith attacks.
- Balmorra – The planet of Balmorra was previously a Republic planet but after the war it is now occupied by the Sith. There will be some Sith vs Republic action here as as the Republic is attempting to retake this SWTOR planet.
- Alderaan – This planet seceded from the Republic following the Treaty of Coruscant. The story here is that Alderaan is ruled by a monarchy, but the current line has just died off. While it is a neutral planet, the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire are both backing candidates for the throne.
- Tatooine – A neutral desert planet which has become occupied by smugglers and pirates. One of the more popular planets from the Star Wars movies.
- Dromund Kaas – Dromund Kaas is the imperial capital and the location of the emperor and the Dark Council.
- Taris – This neutral planet is a wasteland after the Sith destroyed it 300 years earlier. The Republic has begun recolonizing the planet but apparently it is full of undead, created by the Sith in the past.
- Belsavis – Belsavis is an ice planet which exists only as a prison of the Galactic Republic. Imperials are trying to break out prisoners, but this prison was created by an ancient civilization and contains “mysterious evils".
- Voss – Voss is the homeworld of the Voss (not a typo), who are neutral, powerful wielders of the force. The Voss are outnumbered by another aggressive humanoid population who seeks to destroy them. The Republic and Empire both seek the alliance of the Voss.
- Hoth – Hoth is an unclaimed ice planet which contains valuable wreckage. Players will be able to engage in PvP games to gain control over this planet.
- Nar Shaddaa – Nar Shaddaa is a neutral moon controlled by the Hutts. It is the richest location in the galaxy and is essentially a giant city controlled by organized crime.
- Corellia – Cornellia is a Republic planet but it is thought that the Imperials have corrupted local leaders.
- Ilum – Ilum was a small ice planet which contains the crystals Jedi use to forge their lightsabers. It was recently overrun by an Imperial force.
- Quesh – Quesh is a planet containing valuable resources and is owned by the Republic. It has recently been invaded by Imperial army and as a result is a center for conflict.