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traduction stepson francais, dictionnaire Anglais - Francais, definition, voir aussi 'steps',step',Stetson®',step down', conjugaison, expression, synonyme,
Stepson definition: Someone's stepson is a son born to their husband or wife during a previous relationship . | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and
Translate Stepson. See authoritative translations of Stepson in Spanish with example sentences and audio pronunciations.
stepsonnoun [ C ] us ? /?step?s?n/ › a son of a previous marriage of either a husband or a wife.
25 Jan 2017
Definition of stepson. :a son of one's husband or wife by a former partner.
From Middle English stepsone, stepsune, from Old English steopsunu (“stepson"), from Proto-Germanic *steupasunuz (“stepson"), equivalent to step- + son.
stepson - Traduction Anglais-Francais : Retrouvez la traduction de stepson, mais egalement sa prononciation, des exemples avec le mot stepson.
Definition of stepson - a son of one's husband or wife by a previous marriage.
Discussions du forum dont le titre comprend le(s) mot(s) "stepson" : stepson's amateur boxing career · Visitez le forum French-English.Aidez WordReference