August 2009
Guess I should really upload a pic today ^^ It's not a shocking change though from January to August, but oh well :P So I'm 17 today, which means it's 1 year left and then i'm out of here :) Happy Bir
So I have 2 days left of my summer holiday, then school starts again -.- today has been so fucking booring xD oh well.
Summer '08 picture ^^ Sooo, today i've been resting after an allnighter with max, emma, janinne and her sis ^^ Before the allnighter i met chaymae though, and sophia, and then hanna too for a while (:
Alright, so friday was nice Lady Sovereign was great <33 Promoe was good <3 Night. Sniff, Drop, Smoke O.D. Me
Just because i have no muscle... and cos alex loves nipple shots :) and cos i really need a new picture, i treat you with my shitty self ^^