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Deep Blue Sea Download Movies-----------------------------------------DOWNLOAD: http://urllio.com/r17ji -----------------------------------------Aquatica is a research lab located in the ocean. Doctor Susan McAlester and Doctor Jim Whitlock are currently doing research to help in the re-activation of dormant human brain cells like those found in Alzheimer's Disease patients. It seems that sharks do not lose any brain activity as they age, leading Susan and Jim to think that the proteins found in the sharks' brains may lead to a cure for Alzheimer's Disease, which is what killed Susan's father. The research is being funded by a group of investors headed by Russell Franklin, and the investors are getting impatient with the pace of the research. It doesn't help that a shark got loose from Aquatica, and attacked a few teenagers who were on a pleasure romp. In an effort to save her project, Susan gets a forty-eight-hour reprieve from Russell, who goes to the Aquatica to see how his money is being spent. Susan skips a few steps in the research project and genetically re-engineers the DNA of three mako sharks in order to create larger makos so the makos will have larger brains. With only her weekend skeleton crew on board -- that is, marine biologist Janice Higgins, engineer Tom Scoggins, shark expert Carter Blake, meteorologist Brenda Kerns, and Aquatica chef Sherman "Preacher" Dudley -- Susan prepares for her experiment. The test is successful, but then they all see what Susan's genetic re-engineering on the sharks has done -- one of the sharks wakes up from an anesthetic and kills Jim. Susan and her crew radio for help, and a rescue helicopter crashes into the station during a tropical storm, and then another shark attack leaves Aquatica sinking into the water. The surviving crew members do whatever they can think of to escape from Aquatica while they're trying to fight off the three sharks.Searching for a cure to Alzheimer's disease, a group of scientists on an isolated research facility become the prey, as a trio of intelligent sharks fight back.I was warned before I saw Deep Blue Sea that it wasn't very good. Even with little expectation, and seeing it for free, it didn't live up to my expectation and it wasn't worth the money. What a terrible waste of a decent plot line. Everyone in the movie was unbelievably careless,(even when warned), and the sharks are lightning fast and extremely vicious one minute, and slow and clumsy the next. How about a little continuity. The sharks can attack people standing next to the water and kill them in seconds yet it will grab others by the leg and drag them around for a few minutes causing little damage.
I've heard people complain that it was unfairly compared to the 'Jaws' movies. Well guess what, one of the 3 sharks is killed exactly the same way the shark is killed in 'Jaws 2'.
The acting is bad, the casting is bad and the writing is bad. The special effects are sometimes pretty cool but are obviously not real.
Someone should drop this movie into the Deep Blue Sea."Deep Blue Sea" is entertaining for what it is, a tongue in cheek horror film. Although "Lake Placid",(the other big budgeted creature feature from the same time) had a hilarious black humor/satire feel to it, "Deep Blue Sea's" biggest fault is the amount of seriousness with which it takes itself. How can you truly believe that scientists have found the cure for Alzheimers stored in protein in shark's brains? Well that's what this movie tries to convince the audience.
Unbelievable and hokey plot aside, "Deep Blue Sea" knows that it's not THAT smart so it doesn't try to push that idea too much. Instead, after the sharks outsmart the scientists and begin to flood "Aquatica", the floating steel structure where the labs are in the middle of the ocean, we get about an hour and twenty minutes of brutal shark attacks and brain dead survivors trying to make it to the surface before the building sinks and the sharks eat everybody for dinner.
It's so preposterous that it's wholly enjoyable. The animatronic/CGI sharks look rather obviously and dramatically fake in some scenes but for the most part they're hidden under water and it works well. When they kill people it's truly surprising and scary, most notably the scene in the elevator shaft when... well I won't ruin it for you, but there's plenty of blood and scares to racket up the tension until the big finale at the surface, which is the best part of the film.
Renny Harlin has made a stupid but enjoyable underwater thriller that is miles above such crap like "Anaconda" and the countless direct to video (or Sci Fi channel) underwater predator thrillers. It's no "Jaws" but it's not half bad for killing an hour and a half.This movie's entire raison d'etre (that's French for "shark meat") is to toy creatively with the "rules."With only 48 hours to produce results or lose their funding in their search for a cure to Alzheimer's disease using neuro-stimulating proteins from genetically-enlarged shark brains, medical biologists Susan McCallister (Saffron Burrows) and Jim Whitlock (Stellan Skarsgård) along with their weekend skeleton crew—marine biologist Janice Higgins (Jacqueline McKenzie), engineer Tom Scoggins (Michael Rapaport), shark expert Carter Blake (Thomas Jane), meteorologist Brenda Kerns (Aida Turturro), and chef Sherman "Preacher" Dudley (LL Cool J)—receive lead investor Russell Franklin (Samuel L. Jackson) at Aquatica, their offshore research facility, for a demonstration. The demonstration proves successful, but they discover that enlarging the sharks' brains has also increased their intelligence and, with a storm approaching, the sharks take this opportunity to fight back. Deep Blue Sea is based on a script by screenwriters Duncan Kennedy, Donna Powers, and Wayne Powers. It's never outright stated. However, since the shark didn't go through the titanium fence and Scoggins swears that he locked the gates, Carter concludes that he jumped over the fence, which is why he has Scoggs raise the fences. Susan was wearing a rubber wet suit and thought that standing on it out of the water would provide her with sufficient insulation so that she too wasn't electrocuted. Carter, Susan, and Preacher make it to the surface to find that Aquatica has been totally demolished and parts of it are on fire. Carter and Susan pull themselves out of the water, but the last "smart shark" gloms onto Preacher's leg. Preacher uses his crucifix necklace to poke out its eye, and the shark eventually drops him. He is pulled out of the water, and Susan tends to his wounds. Carter realizes that the sharks have been herding them, getting them to flood the lower decks and partially sink the structure. He also sees that the upper fences are made of ordinary steel rather than titanium and that the shark is ramming them in an attempt to get free. The three survivors realize that they have to kill the shark so that it isn't allowed to roam the open sea. Carter fashions a harpoon containing explosive powder from flares and attaches it to a cable. It is his plan to harpoon the shark and then ignite the powder by connecting the other end of the cable to a battery. Unfortunately, the shark is still ramming the fence and is out of range. Susan cuts her hand and then jumps into the water in order to bait the shark away from the fence. When the shark comes after her, she tries to climb out of the water, but the ladder breaks and the shark eats her. Carter leaps in the water in hopes of saving her, and the shark attacks him. He grabs on to the shark's dorsal fin, and Preacher harpoons the shark, hitting Carter's leg at the same time. The shark slips through the hole in the fence, leaving Carter behind. Preacher then attaches the cable to the battery, and the shark is blown to bits. In the final scene, as Carter and Preacher lay on a piece of floating platform, a boat can be seen approaching. Carter says that he's going to quit this job, Preacher says that he's going back to the ghetto, and they both exclaim, "Amen!" The original ending of the movie had Susan McCallister surviving as well as being the one to kill the shark. However, during the test screenings, it was noted that the audience did not warm to her character, so it was decided to change the ending into one where Susan was eaten by a shark in a sort of Frankenstein-killed-by-the-monster scenario. So far, the original ending is not available as an alternate ending on any of the DVDs. While this may be incredibly unrealistic, one has to keep in mind that this is an action adventure, science-fiction, monster movie. With that being said, in terms of the movie, it could be said that the genetic expiermentation on the sharks mutated more than just their brains, allowing them to do things they physically couldn't before. We see that these sharks are able to swim backwards, as pointed out in the movie, sharks aren't capable of doing so. So it's possible they are also able to sit still without drowning (sharks need to constantly be moving forward or they drown). a5c7b9f00b http://entreprenuersonthemove.ning.com/profiles/blogs/free-state-of-jones-hd-mp4-download http://higgs-tours.ning.com/profiles/blogs/chor-lauheung-720p-movies http://www.myslimfix.com/profiles/blogs/a-killer-of-men-full-movie-in-hindi-free-download-hd-720p http://telegra.ph/Malayalam-Movie-Download-Soldyer-09-18 http://www.naminukai.org/en/news/view/id/273207 http://stonuncat.yolasite.com/resources/the-The-Host-full-movie-download-in-hindi.pdf https://www.causes.com/posts/4943748 http://tenconflesscast.guildwork.com/forum/threads/5ba0ce9f002aa82e106a350b-the-chane-laforet-is-silent-before-the-two-mysterious-people-hindi-dubbed-free-download http://ashbyfamilyny.ning.com/profiles/blogs/free-download-bury-me-not-on-the-lone-prairie http://bigtombolo.ning.com/profiles/blogs/the-safe-full-movie-download-in-hindi