Sunday 26 May 2013 photo 1/1
Legenden om Lucifers kärlek
Lucifer var skapad av ökenvindens eld, en eldslåga utan rök. Herren hade givit Lucifer den skönaste gestalt som skådats. Han blev satt att härska över världens himmel. Detta skötte han så bra att Herren gjorde honom till skattmästare i Eden.
Herren skapade Adam av jorden stoft och befallde att alla änglarna skulle tillbe denna varelse. Lucifer vägrade, att han som var en av de högsta änglarna skulle tillbe något som var skapat av lera.
Då sade Herren: "Jag har skapat honom med mina bara händer och du skall tillbe det jag skapar.
Men Lucifer vägrade nedfalla framför Adam. "Jag är förmer än honom, jag är äldre än honom och jag är skapad mäktigare. Du har skapat mig av eld, men honom bara av lera."
Då blev Herren både vred och sur, för om Lucifer inte ville falla i beundran över Herrens verk betydde ju det att han heller inte ville tillbedja Honom.
Då sade Herren till Lucifer: "Ditt högmod och din olydnad blir ditt fall. Från och med nu berövar jag dig allt ditt goda!" Och därmed störtade Han Lucifer ned i avgrunden.
Under tiden på jorden hade Lucifer blivit förälskad i en djinnkvinna. Men en ängel kunde han ju inte beblanda sig med folk, så därför kunde han bara betrakta henne på avstånd, utan att hon visste om något. I avgrunden hade han ju absolut inga som helst möjligheter att få se henne då han inte kunde se upp på jordytan
En av de andra änglarna hade lagt märke till hans böjelse, och ängeln bad då Herren om nåd för sin forne vän. Herren var först oböjlig. Ingen skulle sätta sig upp mot Honom! Men då alla ärkeänglarna bad för den fallne ängeln, gav Han med sig. Han bestämde att Lucifer skulle få lova att vandra upp på jorden en gång vart århundrade.
Lucifer vandrade alltså på jorden en kort tid vart århundrade.
Men som vi alla förstår så fanns inte kvinnan kvar då han skulle upp till ytan. En människa kan ju inte leva hur länge som helst. Ännu mindre behålla sin ungdom. Dessutom var det så, att Lucifer måste bli älskad tillbaka för att att få lov att visa sig för sin kvinna. Innan dess måste han gå i jordisk förklädnad och inte komma henne nära. Herren lät honom behålla sin längtan och sin smärta. Så fick Herren till slut sin hämnd över Lucifer.
Från "Lucifers kärlek" bok 29 i serien Sagan om Isfolket
Lucifer var skapad av ökenvindens eld, en eldslåga utan rök. Herren hade givit Lucifer den skönaste gestalt som skådats. Han blev satt att härska över världens himmel. Detta skötte han så bra att Herren gjorde honom till skattmästare i Eden.
Herren skapade Adam av jorden stoft och befallde att alla änglarna skulle tillbe denna varelse. Lucifer vägrade, att han som var en av de högsta änglarna skulle tillbe något som var skapat av lera.
Då sade Herren: "Jag har skapat honom med mina bara händer och du skall tillbe det jag skapar.
Men Lucifer vägrade nedfalla framför Adam. "Jag är förmer än honom, jag är äldre än honom och jag är skapad mäktigare. Du har skapat mig av eld, men honom bara av lera."
Då blev Herren både vred och sur, för om Lucifer inte ville falla i beundran över Herrens verk betydde ju det att han heller inte ville tillbedja Honom.
Då sade Herren till Lucifer: "Ditt högmod och din olydnad blir ditt fall. Från och med nu berövar jag dig allt ditt goda!" Och därmed störtade Han Lucifer ned i avgrunden.
Under tiden på jorden hade Lucifer blivit förälskad i en djinnkvinna. Men en ängel kunde han ju inte beblanda sig med folk, så därför kunde han bara betrakta henne på avstånd, utan att hon visste om något. I avgrunden hade han ju absolut inga som helst möjligheter att få se henne då han inte kunde se upp på jordytan
En av de andra änglarna hade lagt märke till hans böjelse, och ängeln bad då Herren om nåd för sin forne vän. Herren var först oböjlig. Ingen skulle sätta sig upp mot Honom! Men då alla ärkeänglarna bad för den fallne ängeln, gav Han med sig. Han bestämde att Lucifer skulle få lova att vandra upp på jorden en gång vart århundrade.
Lucifer vandrade alltså på jorden en kort tid vart århundrade.
Men som vi alla förstår så fanns inte kvinnan kvar då han skulle upp till ytan. En människa kan ju inte leva hur länge som helst. Ännu mindre behålla sin ungdom. Dessutom var det så, att Lucifer måste bli älskad tillbaka för att att få lov att visa sig för sin kvinna. Innan dess måste han gå i jordisk förklädnad och inte komma henne nära. Herren lät honom behålla sin längtan och sin smärta. Så fick Herren till slut sin hämnd över Lucifer.
Från "Lucifers kärlek" bok 29 i serien Sagan om Isfolket
Comment the photo
Sat 1 Jun 2013 12:16
underbar serie^^
Sun 2 Jun 2013 16:54
Hrm...Well, Jag det finns flera jag ogillar, men de jag kommer på nu som jag verkligen inte gillar är Sunniva och Tarald. Du då?
Sun 26 May 2013 15:24
A friend of me read those books ^^
All I remember was her mother reading a few pagest before bursting out "Men det här är ju bara tant snusk!" xD
All I remember was her mother reading a few pagest before bursting out "Men det här är ju bara tant snusk!" xD
Fri 31 May 2013 00:57
Of course you are ^^
Haha xD that was my reaction as well as I read the first book, but I managed to drag myself through it. There was a big reward at the end of the book so it was okay ^^
Really? So Johanna has said it as well...but yeah, it's not something that I hide very well, is it xD I even have my own wand xD I'm a huge fangirl for them and when the last book came I screamed in that high pitch noice that only a fangirl can produce xD
But I hate that heartbreaking feeling...I can't believe it's all over. I just want her to write some more books - preferably prequels.
xD My first computer was Villemo ^^ that one had a will of its own and never listened to me xD though I did love it since it was my first ;)
Well, I only cared for about 15 episodes or something like that *looks ashamed* So I never got to see Godrick...And from what you say I'm jealous of him - I want to bite Eric too xD
I just don't like short guys xD he's about 1cm taller than me! How am I supposed to like someone that is that short? xD Okay, but I do give him credit for Rock Of Ages. That one was quite fun, and he did a good job. But other than that I can't stand the guy...
You haven't seen 12 Moneys? :o That film is brilliant! A bit confusing, but so brillinat. You should see it. Brad Pitt plays a patient at a mental institution xD He's awesome.
I LOVE Fight Club so much too <3 It's one of my favourite films, and it has so many good things to say as well. It's awesome ^^
Oh my, I think I'm in love after that description xD a harem of boys you say ^^ I think I must read these books now xD
Of course, I promise that if I come up with any more insults then I will make sure to tell you ^^
Haha xD that was my reaction as well as I read the first book, but I managed to drag myself through it. There was a big reward at the end of the book so it was okay ^^
Really? So Johanna has said it as well...but yeah, it's not something that I hide very well, is it xD I even have my own wand xD I'm a huge fangirl for them and when the last book came I screamed in that high pitch noice that only a fangirl can produce xD
But I hate that heartbreaking feeling...I can't believe it's all over. I just want her to write some more books - preferably prequels.
xD My first computer was Villemo ^^ that one had a will of its own and never listened to me xD though I did love it since it was my first ;)
Well, I only cared for about 15 episodes or something like that *looks ashamed* So I never got to see Godrick...And from what you say I'm jealous of him - I want to bite Eric too xD
I just don't like short guys xD he's about 1cm taller than me! How am I supposed to like someone that is that short? xD Okay, but I do give him credit for Rock Of Ages. That one was quite fun, and he did a good job. But other than that I can't stand the guy...
You haven't seen 12 Moneys? :o That film is brilliant! A bit confusing, but so brillinat. You should see it. Brad Pitt plays a patient at a mental institution xD He's awesome.
I LOVE Fight Club so much too <3 It's one of my favourite films, and it has so many good things to say as well. It's awesome ^^
Oh my, I think I'm in love after that description xD a harem of boys you say ^^ I think I must read these books now xD
Of course, I promise that if I come up with any more insults then I will make sure to tell you ^^
Sat 1 Jun 2013 04:25
Pfffft~! xD
Aaaw poor thing~ But uun... What was the reward? *forwns*
Hahaha yeah she has, not long talking but mentioned it xD But it's okey, I know a girl who fan girls them juuuust as much as you, I think she has Lupins wand ^^" Buuut she's from Hufflepuff, so she has a scarf, tie and gloves as well, I could never spend that much money on fangirling over ONE thing xD
Yeah... Or like.. Write about their kids I dunno! SOMETHING.
Hahah I see~ Those have a charm even thou you can get fuuuurious at them x3
Ah I see, well that would explain it ^^" He doens't show untill the third season after all T^T But YES, lets go find him and just... Nom nom nom on him~
Haha I seee well I prefeer tall ones as well buut I think I still prefeer girls over guys in rl xD Don't really trust guys over 9 after all xD But I'm so DAMN picky!
Precisely~ I even saw the musical here in Sweeden, wanted to see it in english (like on broadway ^^) but sadly enough that wasent okey.. *pout*
No sadly enough I haven't had the pleasure of seeing it yet but when you put it like that it sounds very intesting~ Mmh Fight Club *drools* Yes indeed, I was actually thinking of reading the novel, but I'm scared it will ruin the movie T^T
Hahah you should! He's AMAZING!! But his harem doesn't show untill the book "The Vampire Armand" WHO UNLIKE IN THE MOVIE (Interview With The Vampire) IS A RUSSIAN 17 YEAR OLD (by looks ^^") WITH RED SHOULDER LONG HAIR!! NOT a 40+ Spaniard with waist long black hair...... *grumbles and growls* AND HE'S MARIUS LOVER!
Haha thanks, I'll look forword to it~
Aaaw poor thing~ But uun... What was the reward? *forwns*
Hahaha yeah she has, not long talking but mentioned it xD But it's okey, I know a girl who fan girls them juuuust as much as you, I think she has Lupins wand ^^" Buuut she's from Hufflepuff, so she has a scarf, tie and gloves as well, I could never spend that much money on fangirling over ONE thing xD
Yeah... Or like.. Write about their kids I dunno! SOMETHING.
Hahah I see~ Those have a charm even thou you can get fuuuurious at them x3
Ah I see, well that would explain it ^^" He doens't show untill the third season after all T^T But YES, lets go find him and just... Nom nom nom on him~
Haha I seee well I prefeer tall ones as well buut I think I still prefeer girls over guys in rl xD Don't really trust guys over 9 after all xD But I'm so DAMN picky!
Precisely~ I even saw the musical here in Sweeden, wanted to see it in english (like on broadway ^^) but sadly enough that wasent okey.. *pout*
No sadly enough I haven't had the pleasure of seeing it yet but when you put it like that it sounds very intesting~ Mmh Fight Club *drools* Yes indeed, I was actually thinking of reading the novel, but I'm scared it will ruin the movie T^T
Hahah you should! He's AMAZING!! But his harem doesn't show untill the book "The Vampire Armand" WHO UNLIKE IN THE MOVIE (Interview With The Vampire) IS A RUSSIAN 17 YEAR OLD (by looks ^^") WITH RED SHOULDER LONG HAIR!! NOT a 40+ Spaniard with waist long black hair...... *grumbles and growls* AND HE'S MARIUS LOVER!
Haha thanks, I'll look forword to it~
Sat 1 Jun 2013 13:43
The reward was that the book actually ended xD
I have a replica of Severus Snape's wand. And I have a Slytherin tie ^^ And well, yes, I am a Slytherin. I've tried to enter the other houses but I just end up in Slythering every time xD But then again, I do love the bad boys from there so I'm not complaining ^^
Nah, their kids wouldn't be that interesting I think. I want her to write about the past ^^ either about the fouders or about the marauders ^^But yeah, she has to do SOMETHING about it ^^
Of course they do. You never forget your first no matter how much of a pain it was xD
Aha, then it's no wonder I didn't see him. Guess I'll have to watch some of those episodes then to know who you're talking about...
They have to be tall, I don't want to be the tallest one ^^ But if I were to be with a girl I think that I would want to be the tall one...never been, so I don't really know thouhg ^^ But it's okay to be picky ^^ Everyone is one way or another xD
Really? That sounds really cool - even if it was in swedish ^^ Was it any good?
You should see it. It's a very interesting concept of a film. Brue WIllis travels is a prisoner that travels back in time to prevent the terror organisation 12 Monkeys to release a virus that will more or less erradicate the human race and force them under ground. And he ends up at a mental institution where he meets Brad Pitt. You should totally see it ^^
I've read the book actually, and I'd like to recall that it was a really good book - bearing in mind that I absolutely LOVE the film.
Aww :( Then it sounds like I'll just have to keep reading to get to learn about it xD I can't really say that I remember the film, so I'll just keep quiet for now so that I don't say anything I shouldn't xD
I have a replica of Severus Snape's wand. And I have a Slytherin tie ^^ And well, yes, I am a Slytherin. I've tried to enter the other houses but I just end up in Slythering every time xD But then again, I do love the bad boys from there so I'm not complaining ^^
Nah, their kids wouldn't be that interesting I think. I want her to write about the past ^^ either about the fouders or about the marauders ^^But yeah, she has to do SOMETHING about it ^^
Of course they do. You never forget your first no matter how much of a pain it was xD
Aha, then it's no wonder I didn't see him. Guess I'll have to watch some of those episodes then to know who you're talking about...
They have to be tall, I don't want to be the tallest one ^^ But if I were to be with a girl I think that I would want to be the tall one...never been, so I don't really know thouhg ^^ But it's okay to be picky ^^ Everyone is one way or another xD
Really? That sounds really cool - even if it was in swedish ^^ Was it any good?
You should see it. It's a very interesting concept of a film. Brue WIllis travels is a prisoner that travels back in time to prevent the terror organisation 12 Monkeys to release a virus that will more or less erradicate the human race and force them under ground. And he ends up at a mental institution where he meets Brad Pitt. You should totally see it ^^
I've read the book actually, and I'd like to recall that it was a really good book - bearing in mind that I absolutely LOVE the film.
Aww :( Then it sounds like I'll just have to keep reading to get to learn about it xD I can't really say that I remember the film, so I'll just keep quiet for now so that I don't say anything I shouldn't xD
Thu 6 Jun 2013 16:46
Ahahah that's some true shit xD
Ah I see, well I have never tried but I do have a thing for bad boys xD Always have~
No I would have liked their kids, but yeah the maradures would have been intresting as well~ However, I don't think she will,if I were her I would be tierd of those stories by now ^^"
Precisely! xD
YES!! Or just search on Youtube xD He's not in it much, sadly enough T^T
Hahah I see, I always want to be the shortest, and that's never a problem xD And my only serious relationship was with a girl so ^^" And of course it's okey to be picky! Otherwise it's no point! xD
Yeah I really liked it, I mean I love the music and the acting was good, the public was happier then on the Bon Jovi consert xD
Hahah I will then, and after that I'll report back to you!
Ooh, I want that book xD But I never have money x3 Aaaand I've lost my liberycard *looks down ashamed*
There there *pet pet* It's good books, so you will survive, and you could start with The Vampire Armand, because... They aren't really written in a chronological order ^^ At least not the ones about people, or not so much at least ^^"
Haha you do that xD
Ah I see, well I have never tried but I do have a thing for bad boys xD Always have~
No I would have liked their kids, but yeah the maradures would have been intresting as well~ However, I don't think she will,if I were her I would be tierd of those stories by now ^^"
Precisely! xD
YES!! Or just search on Youtube xD He's not in it much, sadly enough T^T
Hahah I see, I always want to be the shortest, and that's never a problem xD And my only serious relationship was with a girl so ^^" And of course it's okey to be picky! Otherwise it's no point! xD
Yeah I really liked it, I mean I love the music and the acting was good, the public was happier then on the Bon Jovi consert xD
Hahah I will then, and after that I'll report back to you!
Ooh, I want that book xD But I never have money x3 Aaaand I've lost my liberycard *looks down ashamed*
There there *pet pet* It's good books, so you will survive, and you could start with The Vampire Armand, because... They aren't really written in a chronological order ^^ At least not the ones about people, or not so much at least ^^"
Haha you do that xD
Mon 27 May 2013 10:55
It really was...and I got no real explanation either to why it happened...
Mon 27 May 2013 13:52
Hehe, no. And neither could the empty space in the me and my friend held a séance to find out what was going on...
76 comments on this photo