Thursday 20 September 2012 photo 1/3
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Fake-screenshot på spelprototyp som var min första uppgift i kursen i stort sätt. e_e Får se om jag någon dag när man lärt sig lite kodning färdigställer det med.
Håller på och arbetar med en analys av ett tema i olika medier med en grupp, samtidigt som jag i en grupp (med samma pers förutom en) jobbar på ett analogt spel... Inlämningar i massoooorrrr, hade en inlämning igår och blurftufyugj jag är trött.
Man kan verkligen säga att denna kurs går på 100%, plötsligt känns allt från före sommarlovet så mycket mer... Slappt.
Å andra sidan har jag roligare och känner mig mer motiverad till att försöka nu. Och ja... Det är ju riktigt bra, right? Även om jag är trött och så... :I
Saknar rollspel och sådant though. :T
Thu 20 Sep 2012 13:29
Oprah sat down on the sidewalk with a small pout. It had been a long time since she saw Angel, and she didn't like it. What if she forgot about her? Not that Angel would do that. She was too nice and cared too much. But at the same time... Why would she remember someone like her? Oprah, String, wasn't a nice person or anything special. She sighed and pulled out her guitar from it's case. At least she had that left.

Thu 20 Sep 2012 19:49
Angel lifted her eyebrows and carefully bent herself out of the grip of the tearful mess that was Oprah. She wasn't all that much for body contact. Body contact was something she connected more to... Bad things than good.
"Why?" she asked and shrugged a bit at the comment. She had not met Oprah all that much, then again she seemed to... Get easily attached to people so to say.
Like a puppy.
She shook her head at the thought and smirked slightly to herself, stretching her foot slightly out just to on purpose stomp on some dry leaf on the street from where she was sitting. Waiting for Oprah's answer.
"Why?" she asked and shrugged a bit at the comment. She had not met Oprah all that much, then again she seemed to... Get easily attached to people so to say.
Like a puppy.
She shook her head at the thought and smirked slightly to herself, stretching her foot slightly out just to on purpose stomp on some dry leaf on the street from where she was sitting. Waiting for Oprah's answer.

Thu 20 Sep 2012 21:03
Why? She had never even thought about that. Why did you miss someone? Oprah's eyebrows sank and her pout returned. Was she allowed to tell her that she didn't have anyone else, except her sick mum? Or would that be selfish of her...?
"I..." she started but couldn't finish the sentence. She didn't even know what she was going to say. Her head tilted down. How disappointing of her. She wouldn't blame Angel for getting mad at her and leave again.
"I..." she started but couldn't finish the sentence. She didn't even know what she was going to say. Her head tilted down. How disappointing of her. She wouldn't blame Angel for getting mad at her and leave again.

Fri 21 Sep 2012 09:13
Yet another dry leaf met its doom as it got crushed under Angel's foot.
She glanced up at Oprah, noticing how she was thinking, hesitating, trying to come up with a good answer yet failing. Angel didn't quite know what she had expected when she asked her "why", but the lack of answer didn't quite surprise her.
She didn't really care.In stead she looked out over the street where some cars passed by in silence, enjoying the sun a bit. It made it feel like it was warmer, even if it really wasn't. The air was still cold.
She glanced up at Oprah, noticing how she was thinking, hesitating, trying to come up with a good answer yet failing. Angel didn't quite know what she had expected when she asked her "why", but the lack of answer didn't quite surprise her.
She didn't really care.In stead she looked out over the street where some cars passed by in silence, enjoying the sun a bit. It made it feel like it was warmer, even if it really wasn't. The air was still cold.

Fri 21 Sep 2012 16:06
"I don't have anyone else..." Oprah said after a moment of silence. Angel would understand, wouldn't she? She was a good person after all, but good people should also be able to get mad... right?
She scratched her ear and glanced at her friend with big sad eyes. Maybe she should have said it differently. This way it sounded like anyone would do, and that wasn't what she meant at all. There was something special about Angel. Somehow it felt like they were more than friends. Not in a weird way, but almost like... family? What a silly idea.
She scratched her ear and glanced at her friend with big sad eyes. Maybe she should have said it differently. This way it sounded like anyone would do, and that wasn't what she meant at all. There was something special about Angel. Somehow it felt like they were more than friends. Not in a weird way, but almost like... family? What a silly idea.
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