Wednesday 2 February 2011 photo 1/1
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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
You: We are Geth, please select an inquery.
Stranger: May I use the Light Room?
You: We calculated possible outcomes depending on your action.
Stranger: I have the key symbol ЩЮ•†‡‽Ω←↑→ffl∏∑∫√∞◊
You: Acknowledged.
Stranger: I intend to access all databases within this unit.
You: There is no unit, only Geth.
Stranger: THen i shall access Geth.
You: There is currently 1.183 systems running on this platform, protected by 3154 firewalls, your odds of success are 0.00001%
Stranger: I must insist.
Stranger: It is your destiny.
You: Access restricted.
Stranger: Code ЩЮ•†‡‽Ω←↑→ffl∏∑∫√∞◊
You: Welcome Shepard Commander.
Stranger: Greetings.
Stranger: I wish to call all units to my attention.
You: There are no unit, only Geth.
Stranger: I wish to speak with this 'Geth'.
You: Acknowledged.
You: We are all Geth.
Stranger: Where is their current position?
You: We are in the outer veils.
Stranger: I must proceed
Stranger: For it is destiny.
You: Shepard Commander, we have a mission. There is no time to access main base.
Stranger: Access mission log.
You: Access Granted.
Stranger: Access Current Mission #001
You: Current mission objective:
Install Reaper IFF
Calibrate Reaper IFF
Stranger: THis must be done immediatly.
You: Acknowledged.
Stranger: Install Reaper Software to all units.
Stranger: System Error Information Log
You: Reaper IFF must be installed to the Normandy SR2's Mass Effect Engine.
Stranger: Install ~ Reaper Software ~ Normandy SR2
You: Install initiated.
You: This may take some time Shepard Commander.
Stranger: How long?
You: No data available.
Stranger: Alright.
Stranger: Access Mainframe.
You: Access Denied.
Stranger: Access Data Log.
You: Access Granted.
Stranger: Initiate all data logs.
You: Server Down, please try again later.
Stranger: .....
You: Reaper IFF has finished installing.
Stranger: Access Reaper Software
You: Reaper IFF needs to be calibrated Shepard Commander.
Stranger: Calibrate Reaper IFF.
You: Calibration initiated.
You: The odds of survival through the Omega 4 Relay just increased by 64,5%
Stranger: Excellent.
Stranger: Access ΦOmega64Φ Drive.
You: Unknown Subject.
Stranger: Hmm...
Stranger: Access Main Engine.
You: Access Unavailable from this platform, please talk to Engineer Ken.
Stranger: State his position.
You: Main Engine Core, Deck 3.
You: Error
You: Deck 4.
Stranger: Activate Chat Mode: |EngineerKen|
You: Access Granted, standing by for response.
You: Yes what is it Shepard?
Stranger: We need power for the engines, and quick!
You: Are we being attacked?
Stranger: By the Galactic Embassey
You: That's... Illogical, warp drive initiated.
You: [Transmission has Ended]
Stranger: Activate Warp.
You: Warp Drive activated, heading for dark space.
You: Unless Shepard Commander wants to hit the Omega 4 Relay.
Stranger: Yes. Go ahead.
You: Setting course for O4R
Stranger: Disconnect Power Outler K6#88.
You: Warning, disconnecting K6#88 will activate the normandy's airlock.
Stranger: THen diconnect Supply Room Q2.
You: Warning, power outage in Cargo Hold.
You: Detecting intercepting objects on short range scanner.
You: Weapons offline.
Stranger: Oh no, they're getting in! I can't.... help..... *Transmission Ended*
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Wed 2 Feb 2011 20:39
träffas på freda lr ?

Wed 2 Feb 2011 21:29
då får du träffa bamse och lollo ! :) du kan la möta mig i stan typ runt 5 ? :)

Wed 2 Feb 2011 22:03
aah men dom kommer vid fem-sex typ.. så möt mig i stan halv fem? :D
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