Wednesday 4 March 2009 photo 1/1
today was a great day. only one lesson in the afternooon. lovely. as you all know, nothing good can come without a bad thing. so my sleeping morning turned out to be a study morning. please, just give me a break. the worst thing, it was chemistry. dammit. why why why? well, i tried at least to use the time as careful as i could. i don't know if i managed. probably not. i don't want to see the result. anyway. time for a break and off to school i went. not much there. swedish. fuzzy as usual. i like it. i prepared myself, mentally, for the stand-up tonight. but first, back home to finish my work. when i left the house for the happy-hour i had written three lines in two hours. hipp hipp hooray for me. i just have to point out one thing. why on earth can't you laugh in a public place? honestly. one guy at the bus complained. whaaaat?? doesn't he know who i am? the laughing girl who can't shut up. apparently not. well. he suffered. so did i. do you know how boring it is to shut your mouth? it's like the worst nightmare i could have! i'm open up my heart for you right now. i'm being honest here. a life without laugh would be the dullest and depressing life ever. now. time for some stand-up. it was a show with two girls, or middle age women actually. it, the show, was called "alfahonor". i was very skeptical. i mean, two comedian women. how good was this going to be? and not talking about the name. what are they trying to say really. "we're going to take over the male-dominated world!". yeah sure. good luck, hags. but you know what folks, they were absolutely awesome! i haven't laughed so much in a loooong time. or yes, i think i have. anyway, i can't describe it. they absolutely turned my boring day to an absolutely amazing day. how many times in a month do you get to laugh THAT MUCH? so much that your jaws hurts? about three. my throat was sore and my head ached because of the lack of oxygen. hilarious. three cheers for them. and i was hyper. you don't know how good that feels. you should try to get high on humour. i'll more than love to join you. just let me know. after returning home i sat down with my work, once again. though i was too tired (or hyper) to write something serious so i sent it in. who cares. i did succeed. ten minutes late. wooooo!
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