Monday 4 February 2008 photo 4/7
10 saker man behöver för att överleva på en öde ö. 1. Survival kit Because it contains the most important items, such as matches, food etc. 2. Kim Heechul Because I can't survive without the man. 3. Horsey Mal! Because he's strong. We need muscles. And a maljjang (horse face) to laugh at now and then. 4. Q We need Q because he's wrapped up in bubblewrap, and therefor he can float. We can ride him a cross the ocean~~ 5. Laptop with wireless satellite internet connection (fast connection, that is), iTunes, Flyff, photoshop CS3, external harddrive (300GB+), clubbox etc. Who needs a pen and paper when there's the magical e-mail? 6. Chocopie We need the sugar. 7. Digital camera Well. Because. What if we'd get stuck on that island for days? I mean, ego-pics is the best way to spend time in my opinion. 8. Tent My mother's 6-man tent will do. We need somewhere to sleep, right? 9. KOMMER INTE PÅ NÅTT. HJÄLP. D: 10. KOMMER INTE PÅ NÅTT. HJÄLP. D: