19 June 2013
Let's go back to war and violence I'm so bored with peace and SILENCE ! Let darkness find it's sad ways; Let's go back to good old bad days. http://magmamork.deviantart.com/
My RPG character FireLynx/Lo Winters together with Namor the submariner. Something that happened at our last game session. Namor the submariner belongs to Marvel http://daydreama.deviantart.com/art/
Istari Aiwendil Radagast the brown, Curumo Saruman the white, Olórin Gandalf the grey. There you have it! Gjord i Photoshop Elements 7.0 med en Aiptek MTU-001 ritplatta. Kommentera gärna! h
Min underbara lilla Sensou~ Målade min lvl79 mystic från Grand Fantasia när hon såg "highbie-aktig" ut xD Hon har två toffsar nu igen :3 Jag vet redan att ögonbrynen failade~ Och fötterna o-o'
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