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History of the Campus Sexual Rights Forum at the University of California at Berkeley 1966-1967
by Sam Sloan
The Campus Sexual Rights Forum was an on-campus student organization at the University of California at Berkeley in the years 1966 and 1967. Being on-campus meant that it was officially registered in Sproul Hall as a student organization with me as the president. We were authorized to hold events on the campus of the University of California at Berkeley and to have a campus table where we distributed our literature and collected donations. We held several such events. On our invitation, Planned Parenthood made a presentation in 100 Lewis Hall, in a room on campus we reserved for our use. Dr. Harvey Bruyn, an authority on venereal diseases, gave a speech on venereal diseases under our sponsorship. Famous attorney Melvin Belli gave a speech on the steps of Sproul Hall because of our sponsorship. We conducted a successful student referendum on requiring Cowell Hospital, the university student hospital, to distribute birth control pills. The Campus Sexual Rights Forum was sponsor and I had organized the event. We also held 42 nude parties that we called "sexually liberal" parties. All of these events were advertised in the Daily Californian, the student newspaper, because of our sponsorship. We were both a political and a social organization. We advocated sexual rights including the abolition of laws against homosexuality, against abortion, and against “unnatural sex practices". It is difficult to imagine the level of sexual repression of those times. Publications like Playboy could not show a picture of a woman's vagina or of her pubic hair. No photo of an erect penis was allowed anywhere. No pictures of a man in bed with a woman even fully dressed were allowed. In the old movies you will see that they never show a bedroom with a double bed in it. This would suggest that men and women slept in bed together. Instead, they always showed two twin beds. In Virginia it was illegal until 1969 for a White man to marry a Black woman or a native American woman. Abortion was illegal. Birth Control pills had just become legal but required a prescription which was difficult to get. Homosexuality was completely illegal. The most explicit sex scene allowed in the movies was when Rhett Butler carried Scarlett O'Hara up the stairways in the movie “Gone With the Wind". We wanted to change all this. We had a campus table where we distributed our literature advocating Sexual Freedom including legalized abortion, abolition of censorship, repeal of laws regarding sexual offenses including homosexuality and prostitution and where we sold buttons with slogans such as “Make Love Not War" and received donations to raise funds for our events. We also held nude parties, that we called “sexually liberal parties", but off the campus. The picture on the cover here of this book shows one of our most dedicated members, Joyce Kaskey, sitting at our table at the entrance to the campus on Bancroft Avenue near the corner of Telegraph Avenue. This picture or others like it appeared in Time Magazine, Sexology Magazine and other publications. There were articles about us in Playboy Magazine, Life Magazine, Time Magazine and other magazines around the world. We were student revolutionaries. In the backdrop of all this was the great student revolutions of those years where we were at the cutting edge and on the forefront. When this book was originally written, fake names were substituted for the party participants. However, now for the purpose of preserving history, the real names of these people have been put back in.
History of the Campus Sexual Rights Forum at the University of California at Berkeley 1966-1967 Sam Sloan
...Charles..B...Faulhaber..Director..-..Library..-..University..of..California,,..University..of..California..history,...The.University.of.California,,;...UC...Berkeley...Home;...Search...form........Art...History/Classics...Library;,..history..of...The...University...of...California,,..Berkeley,,,...Berkeley....3-5-Thursday..Forums.....University..Press,,..Berkeley..642..Barrows..Hall..Berkeley,,..Berkeley;,.......silencing...sexual....Human...Rights...Investigations...Lab;,.Berkeley,...California,,..San..Francisco.....UCSF..History;,,..Calif...(AP)....The..University..of..California,..Berkeley..chancellor,"University..of..California,..Berkeley",, 2ffeafca65