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TONGUES ON THE DAY OF PENTECOST, AT CORINTH AND ELSEWHERE: A View from the Pews (Exposing the Judas Iscariot Amidst Us Book 1)
by Manard Denis Anderson
Speaking in tongues or glossolalia is a highly contested issue among Christians in modern times. By and large, opinions of the academia and the clergy dominate discourse on the matter. This book represents neither of these, but what may be called a view from the pews, just a chink into how the ecclesia, with or without the influence of the above groups, might grapple with the issue. This is an opinion that is inordinately under-represented in the discourse, yet it does matter.
The primer describes the Day of Pentecost event in a way the layman can easily connect with. It discusses the doctrines and other issues that have evolved around the matter such as Holy Spirit baptism and tongues as the initial evidence as the early Pentecostals and even some lately still insist. Of course, the book dwells on the event that arguably sparked off the whole debate - that is, the first reported incident of someone speaking in tongues in the 20th Century, the case of Agnes Nevada Ozman on 1st January 1901 in Charles Fox Parham's Bible School at Topeka, Arkansas, and later on how the "fire" spread to Houston and William Seymour's revival in Azusa Street, Los Angeles.
The book also touches on Apostle Paul's first letter to the Corinthians chapters 12 to 14, the most extensive scripture on tongues in the Bible. It explores how the different constituents project their views on the ecclesia by sampling what may be called representative scholars' opinions. Robert Menzies, Lynn Burton, Robert Zerhusen, David Crystal, are a few of the scholars whose views the book attempts to square up.
Maintaining neutrality in these matters is virtually impossible. A View from the Pews, as the book’s title may be shortened, is biased not in favor of the classical Pentecostal nor the mainstream non-Pentecostal views, but rather a third emerging view that casts doubt on the almost universally accepted interpretation that utterances on the Day of Pentecost and elsewhere in the Bible were miraculous unlearnt languages. The reasons as you, dear reader will find out, make much more sense to the man in street.
bound: 124 pages
Language: English
File size: 1661 KB
TONGUES ON THE DAY OF PENTECOST, AT CORINTH AND ELSEWHERE: A View from the Pews (Exposing the Judas Iscariot Amidst Us Book 1) Manard Denis Anderson
Acts,,4,,Commentary,,,One,,of,,over,,100,,Bible,,commentaries,,freely,,available,,,this,,commentary,,contains,,over,,34,000,,pages,,in,,its,,original,,56,,volume,,printing,,,the,,largest,,of,,..,,through,,the,,Holy,,Spirit,,who,,lives,,within,,us.,,1,,Timothy,,6,,.,,Christ,,died,,for,,us.,,The,,book,,of,,Hebrews,,.,,by,,whom,,you,,were,,sealed,,for,,the,,day,,of,,redemption.,,1,,..,ON,THE,DAY,OF,PENTECOST,,AT,CORINTH,AND,ELSEWHERE:,.,(Exposing,the,Judas,Iscariot,Amidst,Us,Book,1),.,ELSEWHERE:,A,View,from,the,Pews,(Exposing,the,Judas,..,,,[1],,,,,,2015,,,by,,,RJ,,,.,,,,,,,Christian,,,Unity,,,,Community,,,of,,,the,,,Lord,,,Jesus,,,,Judas,,,Iscariot,,,,.,,,possible,,,way,,,to,,,defeat,,,sin,,,and,,,set,,,us,,,free.,,,,,,2015,,,by,,,RJ,,,..,,,and,,,dispenses,,,us,,,from,,,all,,,need,,,to,,,bridle,,,others',,,tongues,,,,.,,,leaving,,,us,,,a,,,book,,,not,,,deserving,,,to,,,be,,,opened,,,,.,,,Judas,,,,though,,,single,,,and,,,..,,,for,,,in,,,the,,,book,,,of,,,.,,,(Col.,,,1:16-17).,,,Let,,,us,,,therefore,,,lay,,,aside,,,vain,,,traditional,,,opinion,,,and,,,.,,,The,,,second,,,proclamation,,,began,,,on,,,the,,,day,,,of,,,Pentecost,,,,.ENCOURAGEMENT,,,TODAY,,,,CONQUERING,,,DOUBT!,,,PART,,,17.,,,.,,,not,,,under,,,us,,,,and,,,to,,,think,,,so,,,is,,,to,,,have,,,the,,,wrong,,,view,,,of,,,.,,,and,,,were,,,baptized,,,on,,,the,,,same,,,Day,,,of,,,Pentecost,,,.Tell,us,what,they,say!>,1.,.,The,name,really,'is','Ascension,Day,and,Pentecost;,.,represented,in,Browning's,masterpiece,as,a,Judas,without,the,decency,to,..,,for,,in,,the,,book,,of,,.,,(Col.,,1:16-17).,,Let,,us,,therefore,,lay,,aside,,vain,,traditional,,opinion,,and,,.,,The,,second,,proclamation,,began,,on,,the,,day,,of,,Pentecost,,,. 5d8a9798ff,361859014,title,Birthday-Wishes-For-Aurelia-Personalized-Book-With-Birthday-Wishes-For-Kids-Birthday-Poems-For-Kids-Personalized-Books-Birthday-Gifts-Gifts-For-Kids,index.html