Tuesday 9 January 2018 photo 1/1
Facebook Sdk Ios Login ->>->>->> http://urlin.us/bz8rx
Here is an example of handler that deals with the different possible state changes and errors: // This method will handle ALL the session state changes in the app - ( void ) sessionStateChanged :( FBSession *) session state :( FBSessionState ) state error :( NSError *) error { // If the session was opened successfully if (! error && state == FBSessionStateOpen ){ NSLog ( "Session opened" ); // Show the user the logged-in UI [ self userLoggedIn ]; return ; } if ( state == FBSessionStateClosed state == FBSessionStateClosedLoginFailed ){ // If the session is closed NSLog ( "Session closed" ); // Show the user the logged-out UI [ self userLoggedOut ]; } // Handle errors if ( error ){ NSLog ( "Error" ); NSString * alertText ; NSString * alertTitle ; // If the error requires people using an app to make an action outside of the app in order to recover if ([ FBErrorUtility shouldNotifyUserForError : error ] == YES ){ alertTitle = "Something went wrong" ; alertText = [ FBErrorUtility userMessageForError : error ]; [ self showMessage : alertText withTitle : alertTitle ]; } else { // If the user cancelled login, do nothing if ([ FBErrorUtility errorCategoryForError : error ] == FBErrorCategoryUserCancelled ) { NSLog ( "User cancelled login" ); // Handle session closures that happen outside of the app } else if ([ FBErrorUtility errorCategoryForError : error ] == FBErrorCategoryAuthenticationReopenSession ){ alertTitle = "Session Error" ; alertText = "Your current session is no longer valid. Close . Prerequisites Before you start this tutorial you will need: Your environment set upA Facebook app properly configured and linked to your iOS app, with login enabledThe Facebook SDK added to your projectYour Facebook app ID and display name added your app's .plist file If you haven't done this and need help doing so, you can follow ourgetting started guide. This method will check for any session opening processes that might have been left hanging and will clear the unresolved session so you can start anew. state == FBSessionStateOpenTokenExtended ) { // Close the session and remove the access token from the cache // The session state handler (in the app delegate) will be called automatically [ FBSession . You can also read more about error handling in ourerror handling guide. jin290 20170505 18:49 791 Facebook SDK Facebook SDK Facebook SDK Facebook SDK Facebook SDK github. shrimpcolo 20151215 16:33 1520 2facebook PHP SDK login.php Login with Facebook! $fb = new FacebookFacebook([ 'appid' => '. // We recommend you check our Handling Errors guide for more information // } else { //Get more error information from the error NSDictionary * errorInformation = [[[ error . This way you eliminate the need for your user to touch a button to log in. activeSession . activeSession . If the session is not open, we will attempt to open it by calling theFBSession openActiveSessionWithReadPermissions:allowLoginUI:completionHandler:method, withallowLoginUI:set toYES. 0 . To create this basic connection, apps mustalwaysrequest access to a person's basic profile information by asking for thebasicinfopermission. PCShadowsocks . pmx121212 20151229 16:07 3868 iOSfacebook facebook FBRequestDelegate Methods session SDK . Android Studio 2. To recover from this error, we tell our users to log in again. So, if a person has previously logged into your app with Facebook and there's still a valid cached token from that session, we recommend that you open a session using it. Cached access tokens, when still valid, can then be used to reopen a session any time. To implement this, in app delegate'sapplication:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:method, we will add the following: // Whenever a person opens the app, check for a cached session if ( FBSession . In that case, the state change handler block supplied to your open call is lost. This way, you can stay in control of the look and feel of your app and provide a consistent user experience. While an app can create instances of FBSession and manage them itself, FBSession provides helpers to simplify the common scenario of an app having a single logged-in person. Opening a session will initiate the authentication flow after which a valid user session should be available and subsequently cached in the form of an access token. In cases like this, the SDK provides an error message with instructions that you can show your user. If this is the case, we can try opening the cached session using theFBSessionopenActiveSessionWithReadPermissions:allowLoginUI:completionHandler:method, withallowLoginUI:set toNO(this will prevent the login dialog from showing). UIAPPFacebook To implement this login, we will use one of the Facebook SDK core objects:FBSession. If you want to see the complete code of this sample, you can find it ongithub.com/fbsamples/ios-howtos. Close . - ( BOOL ) application :( UIApplication *) application openURL :( NSURL *) url sourceApplication :( NSString *) sourceApplication annotation :( id ) annotation { // Note this handler block should be the exact same as the handler passed to any open calls 5a02188284
https://fictionpad.com/author/liemutte/blog/462151/Text-Formatting-For-Facebook https://conpetalva.typeform.com/to/arTuNB http://clashroyaledeckbuilder.com/viewDeck/2363659 https://disqus.com/home/discussion/channel-tasyletec/facebook_password_finder_v2652/ http://paddock.vraiforum.com/viewtopic.php?p=959 http://www.generaccion.com/usuarios/437291/how-to-know-the-password-of-an-opened-facebook-account http://tungcorramens.rebelmouse.com/facebook-downloader-to-phone-2523884896.html http://lahordesetf6.xooit.fr/viewtopic.php?p=332 http://clashroyaledeckbuilder.com/viewDeck/2363654 http://pagebin.com/fkmWucJX