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The Mendings of Merelda Manypockets: How one little fairy changes her corner of the world
by Jodi Ember Roney
When Merelda puts on her magic goggles, she sees the energy connecting all things. But if she spins the dial settings on her goggles, the Potents come into view—and then you never know what will happen! Enter the world of Merelda Manypockets, where one little garden fairy goes about her business keeping order armed with her crooked wand, pockets full of magical items, and those oh-so-useful goggles. Ever wonder why some trees have holes in them, or why snakes sometimes lose their skin? Get answers to these questions and more as Merelda deals with a mischievous magpie, challenging tree spirits, stubborn plants and the mysterious Potents, all under the watchful eye of Father Sun.
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