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The Here Comes The Boom Hindi Dubbed Free Download
DOWNLOAD: http://urllio.com/r2vqi
A high school biology teacher looks to become a successful mixed-martial arts fighter in an effort to raise money to prevent extra-curricular activities from being axed at his cash-strapped school.
People are way too quick to bash this film and Kevin James. Yes, Paul Blart and Zookeeper were ridiculous, but enjoyable. This one however, is an actual MOVIE. I'm a huge King of Queens fan and always like James in whatever he's in, even if it is corny. But the corniness was left out of this one. Anyone who disagrees is clearly not watching this film with an open mind. The humor is not super goofy/silly, it's more natural and realistic. His character, unlike in his last 2 movies, is a normal guy who actually has some self confidence. He's a lovable, believable character in a movie that one critic quite accurately described as "School of Rock meets Rocky". It's about redemption, pride, ethics, perseverance and just taking one for the team. The Dutch guy who trains him is great. Funny as hell, love to see him in something else. The Philippina girl was perfect in her role and of course The Fonz came through as always. The incorporation of music made the movie. All done with a PG rating too. That's tough. Can't wait to see more of James, looking forward to Grown-Ups 2
This is a great comedy and a great fight flick. Kevin James usually does a decent job but he really hit it out of the park with this one.
It has major eye candy, some fantastic tunes, awesome fighting, a very good story, an excellent message AND the funny will hit you in all the soft, tender places.
This is a must see for fans of Kevin James and fight fans. I can watch this every 2 - 3 years.
Once it gets going and commits to its time-worn inspirational formula, it's not half-bad.
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