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The copy I read was a 1999 edition, so I'm not sure if it was updated from the original 1977 edition but boy would it be fun to read an updated 2017 edition and compare the differences because lord knows that babies don't always come from the one example shown in the bookUma Viagem Inesperada /pdf/senhor-das-sombras-vol-2-serie-os-artificios-das-trevas-cassandra-clare Senhor Das Sombras - VolConectarI notice that some reviewers worry that the book provides children with too much information or is too graphicIt had a plump cartoonish couple throughout the bookThat's not at all what I thought when I read it as a kidI paper-clipped some of the middle pages together and we skipped over those
Not sure why.more flag 1 likeLike see review flag 1 likeLike see review Since that momentous birthday just came for our twins we got to rediscover this little treasure :) This has great illustrations that really get down to the details in a very appropriate wayI returned it to the library the very next day& the way it trys to describe how it feels? Also super funny.Plus, it really only covers the tip of the iceberg on all the things you'll have t Found this in a used store & hilarity followedLike maybe how sex isn't always between two very in love people
Oct 25, 2012 Jessica rated it really liked it If you need a great simple book about sex/where babies come from, this is a great book! It explains it all in simple but correct language, is respectful about the processIs it a bit outdated for the present time? Yes, but at the same time, it's a pretty honest depiction of how the whole baby making thing worksAs a child, I found myself really studying the pictures, cartoon images that are presented very taste This book is definitely developed with the child in mindBuscarltimos vistosltimas buscasmais buscadosNavegue por categoriasCelularesIphonesSmartphones AndroidSmartphones SamsungSmartphones com 2 chipsSmartphones LGSmartphones at 600 reaisSmartphones MotorolaSmartphones at 800 reaisSmartphones Sony Tudo em CelularesTVSmart TVTv 32 polegadasTv 3dTv 40 polegadasTv LedTv 42 polegadasTv Full hdTv 50 polegadasTV ultra hd Tudo em tvEletrodomsticosGeladeira / RefrigeradorVentiladorAr CondicionadoCafeteiraMquina de Lavar RoupasForno EltricoFogoLiquidificadorMicroondas Tudo em EletrodomsticosNotebookGamesCasa e DecoraoCamaArmrio de CozinhaSof / EstofadoMesa de JantarArmrio / Guarda-RoupaMesaColchoRackJogo de Panelas Tudo em Casa e DecoraoModa e AcessriosViagensMais CategoriasArte, Entrenimento e LazerGamesBrinquedosColecionavisEsporte e LazerArte e AntiguidadeInstrumentos MusicaisFotografiaAssinaturas e RevistasArtigos ReligiososCasa, Eletrodomsticos e FerramentasBebs e CiaCasa e DecoraoConstruo e FerramentasEletrodomsticosPet ShopLivros, Filmes e MsicasLivrosCDsDVDsBlu-RayFilme DigitalHD-DVDDiscos de VinilMsica DigitalVHSFitas K7 GravadasSade e BelezaModa e AcessriosPerfumaria e CosmticosSadeJias e RelgiosSex ShopAutomobilismo, Indstria e VarejoAlimentos e BebidasIndstria, Comrcio e NegciosAutomveis e VeculosTecnologia e ComunicaoInformticaEletrnicosTelefoniaCelular e SmartphoneIphonesSmartphones AndroidSmartphones SamsungSmartphones com 2 chipsSmartphones LGSmartphones at 600 reaisSmartphones MotorolaSmartphones at 800 reaisSmartphones SonyTudo em Celular e SmartphoneSamsung Galaxy J5Preos a partir de:719,89TVSmart TVTv 32 polegadasTv 3dTv 40 polegadasTv LedTv 42 polegadasTv Full hdTv 50 polegadasTV ultra hdTudo em TVSmart TVsPreos a partir de:1.000,00EletrnicosTvSom AutomotivoVideogameMicro System / Mini SystemHome TheaterGpsFone de OuvidoBlu-Ray PlayerDvd AutomotivoTudo em EletrnicosEscolha a Cmera que mais combina com vocSaiba maisPreos a partir de:InformticaNotebookHdPcRoteadorMonitorPen DriveTabletMouseImpressoraTudo em InformticaVeja os melhores Notebooks pelos menores preosSaiba maisPreos a partir de:EletrodomsticosGeladeira / RefrigeradorVentiladorAr CondicionadoCafeteiraMquina de Lavar RoupasForno EltricoFogoLiquidificadorMicroondasTudo em EletrodomsticosLava e seca Samsung SeinePreos a partir de:2.399,00Casa e DecoraoCamaArmrio de CozinhaSof / EstofadoMesa de JantarArmrio / Guarda-RoupaMesaColchoRackJogo de PanelasTudo em Casa e DecoraoD uma cara nova sua casa gastando poucoSaiba maisPreos a partir de:Esporte e LazerBicicletaChuteiraBicicleta ErgomtricaBola de FutebolEsteiraMochilaSuplementoBarracaCamisa de Times de FutebolTudo em Esporte e LazerFuja do transito com a Caloi Andes Aro 26Preos a partir de:476,09Arte, Entretenimento e LazerGamesBrinquedosColecionavisEsporte e LazerArte e AntiguidadeInstrumentos MusicaisFotografiaAssinaturas e RevistasArtigos ReligiososCasa, Eletrodomsticos e FerramentasBebs e CiaCasa e DecoraoConstruo e FerramentasEletrodomsticosPet ShopLivros, Filmes e MsicasLivrosCDsDVDsBlu-RayFilme DigitalHD-DVDDiscos de VinilMsica DigitalVHSFitas K7 GravadasSade e BelezaModa e AcessriosPerfumaria e CosmticosSadeJias e RelgiosSex ShopAutomobilismo, Indstria e VarejoAlimentos e BebidasIndstria, Comrcio e NegciosAutomveis e VeculosTecnologia e ComunicaoInformticaEletrnicosTelefoniaNosso sistema detectou que voc est usando um navegador desatualizadoPara uma melhor experincia usando o Buscap, aconselhamos que atualize o seu navegador para a verso mais recenteAug 10, 2015 Emtiaj marked it as did-not-finish Shelves: english, sexuality-education ? Partly Cloudy - ! , ! ? Partly Cloudy - ! , ! .more flag 2 likesLike see review
:) the books rightAug 05, 2011 Rm added it How I learned about sexApr 11, 2013 Katsumi rated it really liked it This book is definitely developed with the child in mindPictures are graphic and extremely detailedUmmm? Anyway, I haven't yet found a book for children that explains the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of sex the I'd like it toIt just doesn't need to be that big a deal, and if you talk to kids about it as though it isn't, I bet it wo This book made me laugh out loud more than onceI even let my older boys read it (who we have already talked to about sex) and I think it cleared up some of the questions they were afraid to askIt's another pretty explicit one, but the more I read them (and find myself cringing) the more I think, you know what? It's not that weird to tell kids about sexSomething about the way it's worded just feels weird a I bought this because it was recommended by some neighbors and also by authors Ken and Linda Eyre (whose wisdom and parenting advice I find very helpful) but this book is not for us and our children at this time 3c092786bf