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Canada not for profit corporations act transition guide: >> << (Download)
Canada not for profit corporations act transition guide: >> << (Read Online)
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11 Nov 2013 This booklet is provided as an information guide by the Social Planning Council of Ottawa. It is current only as 1 For the purpose of this booklet the Canada Not-For-Profit Corporations Act will be referred as CNCA. 2 In this . Industry Canada produced a five-step Transition Guide for federal not-for-profit.
This Revival (transition) Guide only applies to corporations dissolved by Corporations Canada for failure to transition from the Canada Corporations Act to the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act . Anyone else who wants to apply for a revival (transition) should contact Corporations Canada.
Transitioning to the new Not-for-profit Corporations Act. Final deadline to transition. July 31, 2017 is the cut-off date to transition to the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act . For more information, see our notice or contact us. To help you transition, we have prepared a Transition guide for federal not-for-profit corporations.
25 Oct 2010 ing non-share capital corpora- tions, the Ontario Not-For-Profit Cor- porations Act (the “ONCA") and the. Canada Not-For-Profit Corporations. Act (the “CNCA"), but they may not know how to safely guide a corpora- tion to its new Act . The following is a brief overview of the transition pro- cess for corporations
"The new Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act (NFP Act) establishes a new set of rules for federally incorporated not-for-profit corporations in Canada. These new rules will replace part ii of the Canada Corporations Act (old act), the law that has governed federal corporations for nearly a century. The rules under the nfp
Today, we are going to talk about the new Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act . If you are involved with a not-for-profit that is federally incorporated with the Government of Canada, this video is for you. We'll cover some of the key points you need to know. (Cut to image of Transition Guide (cover page and inside pages)
The new Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act (NFP Act) presents a more modern, flexible and relevant legal framework for federally-incorporated Corporations Canada has posted detailed information on its website and also offers a step-by-step Transition Guide to assist not-for-profit corporations through the process.
5 Apr 2017 Registered charities and registered Canadian amateur athletic associations (RCAAAs) federally incorporated under Part II of the Canada Corporations Act need to complete their transition to the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act and receive their certificate of continuance from Corporations Canada by
incorporated not-for-profit corporation will have to take action to make the transition to the NFP Act. Until that transition is made, the rules under the old Act still apply. What is the transition process? The corporation must replace its letters patent, supplementary letters patent (if any) and by-laws with new charter documents.
14 Nov 2016 Existing not-for-profit corporations will have a three-year transition period once ONCA comes into effect to make any necessary changes to their incorporating and other documents to bring the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act , for instance, came into effect on October 17, 2011 at the federal level