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Guide number to watt seconds converter: >> << (Download)
Guide number to watt seconds converter: >> << (Read Online)
guide number chart
sb 600 watt seconds
guide number to lumens
guide number vs zoom
canon 580ex ii watt seconds
cactus rf60x watt seconds
sb 910 watt seconds
vivitar 283 watt seconds
Equivalence of actual flash power and Guide Number cannot be computed - there is no equivalence of watt seconds of energy and Guide Number. There is an efficiency factor in converting electrical power to lumens of light (flash is higher efficiency, comparable to fluorescent, significantly higher than incandescent). Guide
13 May 2004 My oldest brought home a photo related question from her high school photo class that I have to admit I have no answer for. If you know the watt sec. output of a studio flash unit how do you or can you convert that to a meaningful Guide Number.
8 Jun 2008 How to convert w/sec to guide number or vice versa? How many watt/sec is my Nikon SB 800 which is a GN 45 (meters 100iso at 50mm)?
24 Mar 2012 If we are being pedantic, the output of a flash is measured in "Joules" or "Watt Seconds" though rarely quoted in those units because a Guide Number is more useful. The output of an LED panel is continuous and usually measured in Watts so leave a 10W panel on for 1 minute and you get 600 Joules, the
Does anyone know any correlation between GN and W/S. We are looking into getting a Profoto battery pack to go with our already existing heads, and were curious, how bright is the Profoto AcuteB 600R VS our SB-900's. Because, if that 600 watt pack isn't a lot brighter then our SB-900's then what is the
Guide number vs. Watt's per second. Blackriver Images 6:38am, 19 February 2012. Guide number is confusing enough but now that I'm using studio strobes there's watt's per . A Watt is a Joule a second - and a Watt-second is Watts x Seconds, and is therefore re-converting back to Joules - so why can't they say Joules?
Guide number to watt-second comparison in Flash and Studio Lighting. So, given this as 'truth' we can convert GN to feet (I think they are generally specified in meters) and get a very rough approximation of unmodified Ws. With this in mind a 580EX is roughly equivalent to 200 Ws. Agree? Disagree?
No, there is no way to convert guide numbers to watt-seconds. Watt-seconds is a measurement of how much energy is used by the flash, not how much light is put out. A significant portion of this energy is wasted as heat, infrared, ultraviolet, etc. A 4 watt-second flash that is 100% efficient will put out the
18 Jul 2008 watt-seconds is a measure of the energy available in the capacitor, Watts per second is what manufacturers claim their equipment deliversbut there is no practical way to know if this is true or to use watts/s in photography. . There's no easy conversion because the guide number depends on the
Watt-Seconds vs. Guide Numbers. From: TartVert — 2010-11-13 03:32 — [one comment]. Guide numbers are mostly used on speedlights and and a xenon tube electronic flash burst consuming 60000 watt for 1/1000 second all equals 60 Ws. However, a xenon tube is much more efficient converting energy into light than