September 2008
I went to the camera store today to see if they had gotten my camera back.. after 3 weeks.. and they had:D just today. And the best part is i didnt have to pay 1000kr to get it fixed xD
Happy 3 months pumpkin!<3<3<3<3 Had our 3 months day today with min kæreste Malin^^ Been so amazing honey.. i love you always and forever<3
Today there is only 1 month till my love Malin will come down to me for 2 weeks:D <3 Cant wait, just hope the time will go fast till she gets here.. Then it will be my turn to get her to meet the f
Killen: Älskar du mig? Tjejen: Fäller en tår och säger, du förstår inte hur svårt det är. Killen: Visar såret han har skart i sin hand och säger:
Tomorrow ill have this protject thingie in school were we sell stuff, and my group is a bakery:P so today i made 100 round bread! This is first plate xD Think they look okay:D Smells damn good atleast