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Add Serial Number Column In Excel ->->->->
JD Sartain Now enter the dates in cells B3 through B7 for the first five days in May; 5/1/2016 through 5/5/2016By default, January 1, 1900 is serial number 1, and January 1, 2010 is serial number 40179 because it is 40,178 days after January 1, 1900shareimprove this answer answered Jun 30 '15 at 18:21 Jake 1 1 Welcome to Super User! I know you are new to this site, but wanted to make you aware you are posting an answer to a 4-year old question that has an excepted answer already2 Prepare your data for an Excel 2007 AutoFilterHeres how
Here 'X' is the prefix and 0 is the numeric after–Lunatik Mar 19 '09 at 10:22 add a comment up vote 5 down vote Simple answer: noDigDBFormat the cells to make sure that they are all numbers.Basically, it's a compromise that works in the situations I've been inYou can add or subtract a number of days to or from a date by using a simple formula, or you can use worksheet functions that are designed to work specifically with dates in Excel
Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged microsoft-excel sorting or ask your own questionCommunity Q&A Search Add New Question Unanswered Questions How do I add a continuous number to a formula? Answer this question Flag asIt was wonderful, very informative, it helped me so muchYou'd be right - it is a painrev 2017.8.4.26704 Home Software Max Productivity By JD Sartain, tech journalist, PCWorld Sep 8, 2016 3:30 AM PT About Smarter, faster ways to get things done How-To Mastering Excel Date & Time: Serial numbers, Networkdays, Datevalue, and more Excel turns dates into serial numbers for easier calculationsPCWorld PCWorld helps you navigate the PC ecosystem to find the products you want and the advice you need to get the job doneFor example, in cell A6, the YEAR function is used on the date in cell A2 (6/9/2009), and returns 2009 as the year 515b946325,362334906,title,Radio-Y-Television-De-Hidalgo-Directorio-Warez,index.html