Thursday 9 August 2012 photo 3/4
The fourth time... the fourth time, Faiyu couldn’t quite remember the circumstances that had led to the current outcome of the fourth time, but he now vaguely picked up on Septimus asking him for his keys and opening the door and leading him into his apartment. The world was heavy and shrouded in fuzzy white edges, and Faiyu tried to focus his memory, but to no avail. There had been a celebratory party for one of the stock holders. Again, he’d been forced to attend against his will, but beyond arriving and mingling a little, he remembered nothing. It had to be spiking. He had a lot of enemies who’d try just that. Unimaginative.
“Give me back my keys," was what he intended to say, but his mouth and tongue wouldn’t obey as all he managed was a jumbled “Keys. Now." He held out his hand towards the redhead, face indignant. Septimus smirked.
“What do you need them for? You’re already inside," it was pure logic, and Faiyu squeezed his eyes shut as Septimus flipped the light switch with his free hand, still steadying his blonde companion with the other.
“Turn it down! Too bright," Faiyu shielded his eyes with his arm and pulled away from Septimus' loose grip. He immediately regretted the action and doubled over, his stomach threatening to press it’s way up his throat. Bile filled the back of his mouth and he tightened his already closed lips and swallowed a few times to get over the taste and the feeling.
Septimus reached out and drew soothing circles on his back, moving closer as support, and Faiyu felt himself relaxing against his will, shoulders sagging. “Stop it. Don’t do that," but he could hear how lackluster his voice sounded. Septimus chuckled but didn't stop at all. At last, Faiyu opened his eyes to a much more pleasant level of light and straigthened a bit. This time, he didn’t protest the support from the other and even leaned a bit to regain his equilibrium. He quickly remembered himself though, and moved away from the touch, this time rewarded with a splitting headache.
“Are you all right?" Septimus stepped around so he was in front of Faiyu, holding a hand to his cheek and leaning in to touch their foreheads together. Faiyu had a vague feeling that this was too intimate, but he felt too dizzy to care.
Septimus smiled at him for no good reason. It was annoying. “Maybe you should go lay down."
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The Resin Guild
Fri 10 Aug 2012 16:45
haha, jag föredrar att skriva på engelska XD har gjort det typ i 10 år, sen jag var 15.
Fri 10 Aug 2012 17:03
ojoj! jag skriver mest på svenska, eftersom jag skriver mest dikter och de blir finast på svenska, men försöker skriva noveller på engelska, för det är så bra övning ^^
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