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Owned and Owner by Anneke Jacob.. ebook.. .. eager submissives, willing to accept the status of animals in order to be owned by men.
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Anneke Jacob - 'Owned and Owner'
Anneke Jacob's first book,'Owned and Owner'.. .. willing to accept the status of animals in order to be owned by men.. .. in paperback and ebook formats.
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Excerpt from 'Owned and Owner' - tpe.com
Excerpt from 'Owned and Owner' Submitted by: Anneke Jacob.. I don't normally publish just an excerpt, but the aurhor is a CB enthusiast and long time reader of this site.
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Published 2001-12.. Owned And Owner Jacob, .. Owned And Owner Jacob, Anneke.. .. Ebook Bike is a Travis McCrea website.. .
Editions of Owned and Owner by Anneke Jacob - Goodreads
Editions for Owned and Owner: 1903931452 (Paperback published in 2003), 1936173670 (ebook published in 2013), (Kindle Edition), (Kindle Edition published.
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