Saturday 29 November 2008 photo 1/3
Saturday 29 November 2008 photo 1/3
The past is not allways a pleasent experience. Though, it allways tends to come back to you one way or another whether you like it or not....
The fact is that when it happens, you just have to grab your ass out of the wagon and deal with it! It´s not going away just because you want it to...
Ask you´re self: Is it worth the risk of getting hurt again? Or Am I the one who is suppose to be the mean one this time?
You have a choise: Try to forget an unfinished buissiness and leave the wound open and bleeding (it´s not healing very well itself), or create an ending that allowes you to forgive and forget!
What´s it gonna be for you my dear? I´ve made my choise... How about you? I dont want to see you get your heart being crashed again.....
(sis, call me eyh? love you! )