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Total Drama Presents: The Ridonculous Race Full Movie In Hindi 1080p Download
DOWNLOAD: http://urllio.com/qyc4b
18 teams travel the world to 26 exotic locations trying to be the last team standing to win a million dollars complete with a new host.
Being a huge fan of the series, I decided to give this spin off a chance and I had to say, this spin off is pretty good. The drama used in this spin-off is much like its predecessor, the teams are great. This is also a very good take on a popular CBS reality show, The Amazing Race (which is also another good show). My favorite teams have to be the best friends, the fashion bloggers, the father and son, the sisters, the cadets, the geniuses, the surfer dudes, and the vegans. The host Don is also good though Total Drama works better with Chris. Don sounds just like Jonsey and that's because he's voiced by TerryMcGurrin. If you enjoyed both the CBS series, Surivor and Total Drama, I recommend watching this one.
After two rough seasons of Total Drama: "All-Stars" and "Pahkitew Island"; the "Total Drama" series redeems itself with the "Ridonculous Race".
Yes, Don (the new host this year) takes Owen, Noah, Geoff, and Leonard around the world with 32 new faces. The series objective is to compete in culture-related challenges, ranging from walking in the dessert in Morocco to tango dancing in Argentina. The team that makes it to the last chill zone wins $1M in Canadian Dollars.
Characterization: Don is several times better than Chris McLean, on account of making things fair for everyone. Example being is that he penalized the Ice Dancers for knocking out the Sister's helmet light (they won that leg, despite a penalty) and disassembling the train (they would've been sent home if not for the Dater Haters). However, with help from Sanders and MacArthur, Don finally gets to eliminate the Ice Dancers in a close race. With Chris, on the other hand, he lets some people get away with cheating. The most infamous example in this regard is Duncan, with the lighter in Boney Island and the "Fairy Tale" challenge in the following season.
About the returning contestants, there were several downsides to the first Ridonculous Race season:
1. None of the girls from past "Total Drama" seasons come back for the race, as the four returning contestants were all guys (Owen, Noah, Geoff, and Leonard).
2. Nobody that competed on "Revenge of the Island" come back for "Ridonculous Race". Apart from the returning contestants being all male, three come from "Total Drama Island", whilst "Pahkitew Island" only has one contestant. Leonard is the only bland person from the four, given that Zoey and Mike (both from the "Revenge" cast) do not compete this year.
As for the finale, there were several improvements from the two past finales:
1. Don brings back everybody to watch the final outcome. However, only five (six including the Ice Dancers, who lost to the Cadets) teams get to speak about the finale. That's right, no fart balloons, no random selections, none of that.
2. Don doesn't negatively impact the final two in any way.
I must say that TDRR has improve the Total Drama series back to its original glory. I wish Cartoon Network and Teletoon the best of luck on producing more "Total Drama" and "Ridonculous Race".
Yes, there will be some returning characters. Geoff, Owen, and Noah, from the first season of Total Drama, and Leonard, from Total Drama: Pakitew Island, are returning. Those are the only returning characters from previous seasons, but some of the actors and actresses from previous seasons will be playing new characters. a5c7b9f00b
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