March 2008
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1. Är d
Visste du att jag...
(x) hamnat på sjukhus/akuten
(X) förlorat någon jag älskat
(x) dödat någon räknas cs? :)
(x) bakat sockerkaka
(x) velat dö
(x) l
vi var uppe hela natten vi la oss kl halv 6 på morronen och sen gick vi upp kl 7 på morronen för mamma väckte oss då för då var det dags för begravningen !
When the day is long and the night, the night is yours alone,
When you're sure you've had enough of this life, well hang on
Don't let yourself go, 'cause everybody cries and everybody hurts sometime
Sometimes everything is wrong. Now it's time to sing along
When your day is night alone, (hold on, hold on)
If you feel like letting go, (hold on)
When you think you've had too much of this life, w
'Cause everybody hurts. Take comfort in your friends
Everybody hurts. Don't throw your hand. Oh, no. Don't throw your hand
If you feel like you're alone, no, no, no, you are not alone
If you're on your own in this life, the days and nights are long,
When you think you've had too much of this life to hang on