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The The Bible Full Movie In Hindi Free Download
DOWNLOAD: http://urllio.com/r2oit
A religious historical dramatic miniseries about God's creation and physical landmark events leading up to the Crucifixion and Resurrection of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
This bible series is best I have ever seen. I can understand Bible in more detail after watching this. I think every Christians should watch this which will give better picture of biblical events. The visual effects are amazing. It is not like religious boring movie but like modern Hollywood movie. The sound tracks are also very good. The story is also accurate. But some minor events are shown long, but that suits the theme of the movie. This movie brings Bible into life. Everything from creation to revelation is covered which is brilliant work. I specially liked the visual style and background sound. There are some action scenes which is little more violent otherwise the story is according to the Bible. I am blessed bu this, hope there were more episodes.
I've always had a problem with the ark story. If no other members of the human race were on the ark but Noah's family, how then did they procreate? 2 of each animal? We've had a problem saving species in the day and age. The odds are not in favor of only 2 of each actually making it. That's beside my point though. Why is the History Channel bothering with this? There are enough religious channels to air the Bible. I don't see this as mainstreaming anything but I do see it as a big turnoff to many including myself. The acting, scripting and editing although probably well intentioned falls way short of any masterpiece the writers and the History Channel are touting. AND, why is this history? It's religion. Something taken as faith. Shame on the History Channel for perpetuating and cashing in on something that should be kept in the privacy of ones own church or home. You've made me realize that your channel is no better than the others feeding into people's minds the very things that are destroying our country's common sense. Shame on you.
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