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Elysium Movie Download Hd-----------------------------------------DOWNLOAD: -----------------------------------------In the year 2154, the very wealthy live on a man-made space station while the rest of the population resides on a ruined Earth. A man takes on a mission that could bring equality to the polarized worlds.In the year 2154, two classes of people exist: the very wealthy, who live on a pristine man-made space station called Elysium, and the rest, who live on an overpopulated, ruined Earth. Secretary Delacourt, a government official, will stop at nothing to enforce anti-immigration laws and preserve the luxurious lifestyle of the citizens of Elysium. That doesn't stop the people of Earth from trying to get in by any means they can. When unlucky Max is backed into a corner, he agrees to take on a daunting mission that, if successful, will not only save his life but could bring equality to these polarized worlds.Neill Blomkamp's "Elysium" is far more flawed than his debut "District 9", yet it is still skillful summer entertainment and a worthy continuation of the thematic backdrop that Blomkamp has set in the latter - futuristic social inequality. This film however takes the quote "the rich get richer and the poor get poorer" to orbital heights, literally, as the eponymous 2001-esque space colony gets filled to the brim with the wealthy while the rest of the poor folks gets damned on a vastly overpopulated Earth. Here in Los Angeles, a criminal named Max (Damon) struggles to board Elysium after a freak accident, while corruption and paranoia seethes through Elysium official Delacourt (Foster).
This social commentary on whether society is doomed by their own doing is used as a clothesline for frenetic sequences of violent action, all combined to form one feature-length race against time for the underdog to triumph over all. Thing is, the underdog has to face an even crazier dog, a disgruntled and psychopathic mercenary named Kruger hired by Delacourt to off Max for, um, doing good stuff. Sharlto Copley, the flawed protagonist in Blomkamp's previous effort, plays a despicable and barbaric villain so well here that he's in danger of being typecast as such, as opposed to Matt Damon who can play an action hero in his sleep. Even when Damon suits up in a clunky brain-controlled exo-skeleton following the accident, we root for him because he's a clear underdog that the audience supports.
Blomkamp's screenplay is flawed, with certain gaps of physical logic here and there, and the story seems cobbled from previous superior sci- fi classics. But where his screenplay fails, it's his direction and vision that delivers. Blomkamp successfully materializes two different worlds - rich and poor - in technical aspects, and presents them as a black-and-white prophecy. Gritty scenes in the L.A. slums on Earth are compelling to watch when compared starkly to the spectacular-looking utopia-like Elysium. Any space colony that can rebuild exploded faces is a colony worth living on, no? It must've been a challenge for production designer Philip Ivey to come up with concepts for both sides, but he succeeds.
Which brings me to the other factor - the action sequences, and Blomkamp delivers thoroughly on that aspect. Frantic action sequences mixed with crowd-pleasing and squeamish moments made me realize - here is a modern- day filmmaker who knows action, and what his audience wants and keeps on that promise. In my opinion they were far more exhilarating and refreshing to watch than any other movie this summer, as they provide no shortage of old school bloody thrills - and I do mean bloody.
"Elysium" may be flawed and familiar story-wise as it should have been half an hour longer with more scenes set in the colony, but it still has a thought-provoking concept and enough action to vastly satisfy both the popcorn crowd and the action crowd. This is a summer blockbuster that delivers.I never thought Jodie Foster could be in a bad film? It seemed unbelievable that Damon could be part of something so terrible? Yet it has happened. Other than some neat special effects, we are once again treated to a film where the outline never grew to a completed project. Here are the rich versus the poor, a bit of programming that could change history, and yes, poor people speak Spanish and rich people converse in French. On top of that the main thug speaks in an intelligible accent, and Elysium resembles a hybrid of Beverly Hills and Southern Florida. This is just the beginning.
There is the martyr figure played by Damon who is on his way to redeem himself from making a few mistakes while being young. An old girlfriend shows up with a sick child, and the rebels in the late 21st century look even worse than the citizens of "Waterworld". While we follow the thinnest of stories whose end we can see from the beginning credits, we are also treated to some of the most jarring and jumpy camera-work ever seen in a big Hollywood production. The dialogue is at best amateurish and not very interesting, particularly when we think about how sophisticated audiences are nowadays.
What is worse is that we don't have much to care about in this film. The best about the villain is how well she dresses, but even her acting feels listless. She might as well be ordering food over the phone when she wants some spaceships shot down. Then there is the look of the technology of the period. Everybody's spacecraft looks like something out of a cereal box, the robots are cheap copies of something we have seen before, and we really shouldn't care for this. After all, "Star Wars" was at first big on charm, story, and a great mix of editing/direction. This time the goal must have been to mix every target.
What is next? We are all waiting for J.J. to come through and save the genre, again?At last, a good big film. The legacy of the summer, thus far, has been jetsam: moribund movies that lie there, bloated and beached, gasping to break even. But here is something angry and alive: Elysium.Former car thief Max da Costa (Matt Damon), now a parolee working for the Armadyne weapons factory in 2154 Los Angeles and recently exposed to a lethal dose of radiation bound to kill him in five days, agrees to steal "organic information" (e.g., bank codes and passwords) from the brain of Armadyne CEO John Carlyle (William Fichtner) in exchange for passage to Elysium, a man-made space station inhabited by Earth's elite, in hopes of gaining access to a Med-bay, a medical chamber capable of healing him. However, what begins as a desperate effort to save his life leads to something far greater. Elysium is based on a screenplay written by South African-Canadian filmmaker Neill Blomkamp. While Frey (Alice Braga) carries Matilda (Emma Tremblay) to the surface to find a Med-bay, Max and Spider (Wagner Moura) stay behind to locate the Elysium's computer core. In an attempt to stop them, Tucker (Sharlto Copley) pursues, but Max manages to kill him by hurling him over a ledge, still holding on to a grenade, which explodes as he falls. Spider breaks into the computer core and changes the computer program to read Earth's population as being "legal". As Spider prepares to download the "organic info" from Max's brain, he is warned that the download will be "lethal" to Max. Already knowing that, Max still agrees to the download. After contacting Frey for a final goodbye, Max pushes the button that starts the download and reboots the computer, killing himself in the process. President Patel (Faran Tahir) arrives with security robots, but they refuse to arrest Spider, who is now recognized as a citizen of Elysium. Meanwhile, Frey has found a Med-bay and uses it to heal Matilda, reversing her final stage lymphocytic leukemia in seconds. In the final scene, shuttles containing dozens of Med-bays arrive on Earth from Elysium to begin the process of healing the sick, causing Frey to look up and smile. Elysium spins, like a wheel, and the resulting centrifugal force creates artificial gravity on its inner edge. This keeps both its inhabitants and the atmosphere [not really, see entry above!] effectively pinned down to the surface. It's an old concept for a practical way to achieve artificial gravity in space. 646f9e108c