Shipping Container Homes: The Step-by-Step Guide to Shipping Container Homes and Tiny House Living, Including Examples of Plans and Designs
by Matt Brown
The trend to make shipping containers into fantastic homes has been a concept that's been used for almost two decades now. They are a convenient design concept that works well with the tiny home movement. The idea of minimizing and having premade, deliverable homes that fit easily onto the back of a standard truck has a lot of appeals. There's a lot of flexibility when it comes to designing one of these homes, whether you are going for the tiny home or a unique modern design concept.
This book is not a positive mumbo-jumbo letter that is here to sell you on the idea of shipping container homes. Instead, this book expects that you are an adult who can make your own decisions as long as you are given the correct facts. Therefore, this book will start out by giving you the good and the bad of shipping container homes so you can be aware of the potential challenges that can arise when building with this material. After that, the book will give you a great deal of useful and practical information in regards to building shipping container homes.
Here are just some of the questions and topics that are covered within this book
- Pros and cons
- Designing your home
- Your containers
- Inspecting the container
- Where to purchase
- Preparing the land
- Crafting the container
- Connecting containers
- Interior considerations
- Windows and doors
- Insulation
- And much more!
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