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What is his is mine and vice versa. Text Message Fails. Status By: anonymous . Funniest Jokes. I couldn't. Animal Pictures With Captions. 1 2 3 4 Next >>>> . You have to submit pictures of verification, and I did, but the 'SEND' button does not work. Then they send them another letter stating that it went up to $9000. I will assign the name of an artist to whomever likes this post, and you have to publish a piece by that artist with this text. See More. The idea is to occupy Facebook with art, breaking the monotony of photos of lunch, selfies, lists and cats. Funny T-Shirts. So i shut it off cuz i was worried. Detailed list of people who asked for your opinion: Status By: Jose Juan . I bet you will sneeze or yawn. Discover. Please check your URL or use the search form below. we here to bring you the best quotes and statuses for facebook :) so if you like what we do please share on your facebook status .. Have you ever just stopped and realized that if you hadnt met a certain person in your life, your life would be completely different. 45 answers Psychology 2 days ago Is Jesus a true God or a false God? If Jesus says his Father, whom the Hebrews called Jehovah (YHWH), is the only true God (John 17:3), what does that make Jesus If Jesus says his Father, whom the Hebrews called Jehovah (YHWH), is the only true God (John 17:3), what does that make Jesus 35 answers Special Education 11 hours ago Why do leftists deny that Nazi Germany was socialist? Best answer: Leftists are sick that their answer to life's problems is an undisguised dictatorship. Like if you find in less than 10 seconds: Status By: anonymous . It is unknown if the person had purchased rental car insurance or use their own. I started my car and it shut off almost right away then refused to start. 50 Best SMS Fails. and I'm getting absolutely tired of it. That one friend who always kills the moment. Animal Pictures. Landscape Wallpapers. show more I started my car and noticed the oil was really low so i added about 3/4 quart. At first A third-party company sent a letter to my friend stating the damages are $1000. 50 Best Viral Pictures. I've tried it in bounds of 100 + times to still no avail 5a02188284