Wednesday 19 September 2018 photo 2/3
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Feast II: Sloppy Seconds Malayalam Movie Download
The monsters have made it into a small neighboring town in the middle of nowhere and the locals have to band with the survivors of the bar' slaughter to figure out how to survive.
Even though I've seen the first film, I don't remember much about it; it hadn't made much of an impression to me. But this..this is everything you can ask for. We're talking about a film that includes half-naked women bikers (Chelsea Richards is still in my thoughts), hungry monsters, dwarf wrestlers and their grandmother thrown with catapults, and, above all else, great amounts of blood, intestines, and monster bodily fluids. As for acting, there isn't much of it needed, though the overall level is certainly above decent. It goes without saying that none of this is to be taken seriously - this is a gore film in the vain of masterpieces such as Peter Jackson's Braindead and Bad Taste, not Cannibal Holocaust.
But what really elevates the film to instant cult status is a couple of truly gruesome, over-the-top scenes that required a touch of blasphemous, defiant genius: the baby scene and the, actually touching, catapulted grandmother give it that extra boost. My only complaint is the cliffhanger ending and that the Biker Queen's original revenge motive goes, forgotten, down the drain in the film's less than necessary script.
If you are looking for some kind of a coherent storyline, look elsewhere. This horror film is pure black comedy.
It is a continual "feast" of blood and mayhem. The monsters are back and they are hungry as someone says. At least the action takes place in daylight this time so we can see the ugly things - if you look fast because things move at lightning speed here.
Clu Gulager survives the first film only to be taken prison by a girl biker gang set on revenge for the death of their queen. In the process, he really does a number on Honey Pie (Jenny Wade) for leaving him in the first film. He goes all Mike Tyson on her! We have midget wrestlers, Thunder (Martin Klebba) and Lightning (Juan Longoria García), lots of biker chicks, and lots of monsters that may be interested in more than killing.
The autopsy performed by Greg (Tom Gulager) produced the most copious explosion of bodily fluids that I have ever seen. You might say the chance of you hurling while watching is better than even.
This was just one big gore-fest.
The R-Rated Version, that is available at chains like Wal-Mart, misses out only a couple of scenes that aren't that unrated-worthy. Sometimes these shots are only a couple of seconds longer and show some more story pieces. 646f9e108c