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Mass effect ilium bartender guide: >> << (Download)
Mass effect ilium bartender guide: >> << (Read Online)
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Five shots can affect Shepard. The Dark Star Lounge's bartender can serve genuine and uncut batarian ale if Shepard continuously requests more drinks. A bottle of Serrice Ice Brandy costs 1,000 credits and can be bought at Ratch's Wares on Tuchanka, Dark Star Lounge on the Citadel, Eternity on Illium, or Afterlife
18 Oct 2010
1 - Walkthrough - Illium: Liara TSoni - Main quests - Mass Effect 2 - The second terminal can be found inside the Eternity bar (first screenshot), near the Bartender. The third terminal is in the eastern section of the parquet (second screenshot).
Someone is making trouble in Eternity, the popular bar on Illium. available if you completed Citadel: The Fan in Mass Effect, through the use of either Charm or Intimidate, and imported that save file. Walkthrough Edit The bartender insists that her bar does not sell red sand-- nor does it matter because red sand is legal
14 Jun 2010
24 Mar 2014
26 Jan 2010 Not sure if this has been mentioned, but at the Eternity Bar on Illium you can purchase a Mystery Drink from the kiosk. It gave you that woosey effect after drinking it, and the old Matriarch bartender looks a lot younger, heh. Had to do a double-take to make sure her face actually did change. Can't figure out
Matriarch Aethyta is the asari bartender in the Eternity lounge on Illium. Aethyta is willing to discuss her life with Commander Shepard and how she ended up as a bartender despite being an asari matriarch. If not, Shepard will speculate that the reason Aethyta is on the Citadel
I think the reason her voice sounds differently in Mass Effect 3 is in part because of the setting : Eternity bar in ME2, Citadel exterior in ME3. The camera was nearer to Aethyta and ME2's voice in that case was louder, so you could hear more of its raspyness, while ME3's was more distant. Maybe she