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Download Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge Of The Sith Full Movie In Hindi Dubbed In Mp4-----------------------------------------DOWNLOAD: http://urllio.com/qznuh -----------------------------------------Nearly three years have passed since the beginning of the Clone Wars. The Republic, with the help of the Jedi, take on Count Dooku and the Separatists. With a new threat rising, the Jedi Council sends Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker to aid the captured Chancellor. Anakin feels he is ready to be promoted to Jedi Master. Obi-Wan is hunting down the Separatist General, Grievous. When Anakin has future visions of pain and suffering coming Padmé's way, he sees Master Yoda for counsel. When Darth Sidious executes Order 66, it destroys most of all the Jedi have built. Experience the birth of Darth Vader. Feel the betrayal that leads to hatred between two brothers. And witness the power of hope.Three years into the Clone Wars, the Jedi rescue Palpatine from Count Dooku. As Obi-Wan pursues a new threat, Anakin acts as a double agent between the Jedi Council and Palpatine and is lured into a sinister plan to rule the galaxy.I am a big fan of Star Wars, I have been watching it since I was little. I watched Episode I and II in theaters and recently watched Episode III. It was definitely the most emotional and most intense Star Wars I have ever watched. The way it captured the original elements of the movies, but somehow escaped that boundary by putting a more emotional theme. By building a sense of relationship with these characters, you feel for them like you know what they're going through, such as everyday problems with life and love.The climax of the movie was the final battle, especially in the end there was so much intensity when the battle was over and the Vadar mask was put on. I nearly went into tears when that happened and realized it was all over.When I first saw this film I was looking forward to it a lot like many other people. Yet after-wards I had mixed feelings about how Lucas ended an otherwise seamless saga. Unlike some, I didn't think the other prequels sucked. Episode I was a introduction so I could understand that we wouldn't see scads of Anikan in the first film. Episode II was good besides Anikan's whining and no Darth Maul. Yet Episode III was somewhat disappointing...
It took until now to really realize how many faults there where... For starters, Anikan's fall to the dark side was not gradual enough. After he helps in Mace Windu's death he has the right reaction but then when confronted with an obviously evil Palpatine he surrenders to the dark side. Now by then I was like "ok..." but then he leads an army of clone troops to kill off all the Jedi in the temple just like that !
The dialogue was not that bad but it wasn't up to par to the original trilogy. I agree with everyone 100% when they say George Lucas should not have written the script nor directed. As a producer and editor of the script and directive process I can see, but Lucas does not have what it takes to make his own story go out with a bang! Empire Strikes Back was written and directed by other people with George Lucas still involved and it worked out beautifully. Yet despite having that formula for the ultimate Star Wars movie he went back and did all that work for nothing.
ROTS has it's good points but they are few and far between. The only actors that really made me impressed where Ewan McGregor, Christopher Lee (who was screwed out of his screen time) and Ian McDiarmid. I'm sure Natilie Portman, Sameul L. and Hayden Christensen are good actors but they where denied by the sub-par script.
I also must question Lucas for dropping the audience a bunch of characters and events only the most hardcore of Star Wars fans would recognize. Prime example is General Greivous and his coughing... many people don't know why he is coughing because it is not told in the film but only in the animated Clone Wars series that only 20% of the audience would have seen the episode that explains what happened prior to ROTS. Also Greivous despite being the major villain in this film is denied any justice by being beaten quickly. The whole film was rushed because of George Lucas's silly wipes and long introductions that don't tell anything. I also found it weird that he threw Chewbacca into the mix, created a plot hole with Padme dying when Leia was just born and making Darth Vader seem less "scary".
I know I'm echoing a lot from what others have said but I guess the feeling is mutual. At first I liked the film but I think I was in denial... I didn't change my mind just because some people thought it sucked but I reevaluated the scenes after seeing the film a second time. After the fan enthusiasm and excitement was washed away after the first showing I realized these glaring errors that seemed to fall short of many a fan's expectations.
There where some good points however... The score for the film by John Williams was one of the best I have heard in all the Star Wars films. If anything was excellent that was it.
The action and lightsaber battles where satisfying especially the Dooku vs. Anikan & Obi-Wan fight. If only it lasted longer...
Seeing the Taintive IV... C-3P0 golden and R2-D2 being a bad ass was very good. Even though the majority of the so-called "comedic relief" was lame I liked R2-D2's antics. Who needs Jar-Jar Binks when you have R2 in a scene? In all, ROTS wasn't what I thought it was... yet I'm still going to be a Star Wars fan but ROTS is not the best in the six films made. I will get it on DVD but don't expect it to be "the best" or a masterpiece in the Star Wars saga. It was enjoyable but not the bang that we all expected.All the "Star Wars" movies will continue to entertain us for many years to come. They were grand fun, and this last one's a corker.When Supreme Chancellor Palpatine (Ian McDiarmid) is abducted by the Separatists, Jedi warriors Obi-Wan Kenobi (Ewan McGregor) and Anakin Skywalker (Hayden Christensen) are sent to rescue him. Meanwhile, Anakin is having premonitions about the death of his wife Padmé Amidala (Natalie Portman), who has announced that she is pregnant. Anakin becomes torn between his loyalty to the Republic and to Sith Lord Sidious' promise to teach him the power to prevent his wife's death if he will only come over to the Dark Side. Revenge of the Sith takes place about three years after Attack of the Clones, and roughly 19 years before Rogue One and A New Hope. Despite Anakin's turn to the dark side of the Force, Anakin is still the Chosen One. "You were the Chosen One! It was said that you would destroy the Sith, not join them! Bring balance to the Force, not leave it in darkness!" said Obi-Wan to Anakin, near the end of the movie. Later on in the movie, Yoda and Obi-Wan seem despondent, and of firm belief that they were incorrect. They will later be proven right during the events of Return Of The Jedi. The prophecy states that a Chosen One will one day "bring balance to the Force". Anakin eventually does this by destroying not only the Emperor, his master, but by killing his evil side, This is confirmed by George Lucas in a 2005 interview, where he says "Anakin is the Chosen One. He does bring balance to the Force, by destroying the Sith, meaning the Emperor and himself. And he does this because he is redeemed by his son." General Grievous is the supreme commander of the Separatist forces and effectively Count Dooku's right hand after the death of Jango Fett. His appearance within the movies is quite sudden and his quick ascension within the Separatists' ranks relatively unexplained, but he has a much more elaborate background in the two Clone Wars animated series and Extended Universe (EU) of Star Wars. Grievous belongs to a species called the Kaleesh, and went by the name "Qymaen jai Sheelal". A fierce warrior, he was already present during the Battle of Geonosis, which started the Clone Wars, where he caused a massacre in the lower catacombs. Later he was mortally injured after his ship was sabotaged under secret orders from Dooku, who then gained Grievous's sympathy by saving Grievous's life through body prosthesis and enlisted him by appealing to Grievous's hatred toward Jedi Knights.
It is rumoured that the Kaleesh have a habit of creating a warrior mask from the face part of the skull from their defeated enemies; Grievous' cybernetic face plate is said to be one such mask. The Clone Wars episode "The Lair of General Grievous" shows images of Grievous as he looked before the cybernetic restructuring. Grievous became General in the Separatist army and Dooku's most trusted henchmen, after he managed to defeat two of Dooku's Sith minions while fighting them simultaneously. Though trained by Dooku in lightsaber fighting, he was neither a Jedi nor a Sith. Grievous was intended by creator George Lucas as a foreshadow and parallel to Darth Vader who became evil and needed technology to keep his broken body alive. In the animated series Clone Wars, after Grievous has captured the Supreme Chancellor, Mace Windu chases him to his ship. In a desperate attempt to stop the General, Mace uses the Force to crush Grievous' chest plate, thus causing Grievous' coughing in the movie. On review, however, this appears to be nothing more than a tie-in deliberately made by the television show, not actually conceived by it. It was already established in the editing of the film, before the second series of Clone Wars cartoons had even been produced, that Grievous would cough—a decision made by George Lucas to better characterise his alien cyborg creature, giving him a more vulnerable, rugged quality—an indication of the discomfort he feels within his droid shell and of the transformation he has been through. In the opening battle, aboard the bridge of the General Grievous' starship, the General evades Obi Wan and Anakin by punching a hole through the ship's windows. The two Jedi are seen grabbing onto machinery within the ship to prevent them falling out, but this does not explain how they are still able to breathe once the emergency windows have sealed the ship. IMDb contributors have suggested four potential ways this could occur:
(1) As the rules of logic don't always apply within the Star Wars universe (there is no sound in space, for instance), the filmmakers may be using artistic licence to keep the Jedi alive.
(2) The space battle is actually taking place in Coruscant's atmosphere and not in deep space. This means there may still be some oxygen left in the ship.
(3) The window was only open for a short time before being sealed. If a system to seal the window exists, it is reasonable to assume there would also be a plan for piping in more air. Additionally, the ship in question was very large, and would not have been completely emptied of its air in such a short time. We can see earlier in the scene that the bridge is not sealed off from the rest of the ship, as battle droids have attempted to take Chancellor Palpatine out into the corridor just prior to the breaking of the window.
(4) Jedi reaction times allowed Anakin and Obi-Wan to sense what was about to happen and take a big breath. (Remember, in The Phantom Menance, where the Jedi took a deep breath when the poison gas was pumped into the room?) This breath then lasted them until the room was repressurised. Also, Jedi have the ability to sense danger, and they may have sensed that Grievous was going to make a move like this.
As no "official" answer to this question has been given, it is up to the viewer to pick their preferred explanation. In the DVD commentary, one of the special effects crew members mentions that this battle is taking place in Coruscant's stratosphere, rather than deep space, which explains why all craft leave smoke trails from their exhaust ports. However, the upper atmosphere would not contain any appreciable amount of oxygen, (even tall mountains such as Everest require climbers to bring their own oxygen supply to reach the summit, which would still be far lower in altitude than the battle we see taking place), so it is unlikely to be a workable "real world" explanation. The Sith have always used red lightsabers in the Star Wars movies, but General Grievous is not a Sith, and the lightsabers used by Grievous were not of his making but were trophies taken from Jedi he had killed. It is explained by George Lucas that the colour of the lightsaber is not an automatic indication of which side of the Force you are on, it is determined by the colour of the Force Crystal used. At the end of the movie, Anakin still uses his blue Jedi lightsaber as he has only just turned to the dark side of the Force and become Darth Vader. After he loses the duel with Obi-Wan (who takes Anakin's blue lightsaber away with him), Darth Vader later makes a replacement lightsaber that has a red blade (as seen in the original trilogy). Anakin has a dream that Padmé is going to die during childbirth, but she actually dies because of Anakin himself. He was essentially foreseeing the future in his dream, but misinterpreting the reasons behind the event. His attempt to avert that future is the very thing that causes it to become reality, an example of self-fulfilling prophecy. Palpatine knows of Anakin's fear of losing Padmé, and plays on that fear by telling Anakin that the dark side of the Force has the power to cheat death (something that Darth Plagueis managed to help others do). In pursuing that end, Anakin embraces the dark side and in so doing destroys Padmé's trust in him after he tries to kill her on Mustafar. Perhaps. In an earlier draft of the movie's screenplay, the point is made more clearly, with Sidious telling Anakin, "I arranged for your conception... You could almost think of me as your father." Later drafts dropped this more blatant declaration, possibly to avoid feeling like a rehash of the famous reveal of Luke's parentage in The Empire Strikes Back. Although it was suggested by Qui-Gon Jinn in The Phantom Menance that Anakin was created by the Force, it is implied in Revenge of the Sith that Anakin may have been created by the Sith when Palpatine tells him of Darth Plagueis's ability to create life. However, this is not made absolutely clear, and may well be Palpatine's way of simply manipulating Anakin by telling him there is a method by which death can be averted. It was the deflection of his own Force lightning, originally directed at Mace Windu, which caused Sidious's facial deformity. Although both Anakin (in Attack of the Clones) and Luke (in Return of the Jedi) both suffer Force lightning being aimed at them, neither of them are left physically scarred by the incident. However, Anakin was only hit briefly at a distance by Count Dooku's Force lightning, and it may well have been that the Emperor did not intend to kill Luke immediately, wanting his death to be slow and painful as he gloated to him. As Sidious was simultaneously firing and being hit by the lightning deflected back from Mace's lightsaber, it caused an amplified electrical feedback loop effect which damaged Sidious's body and almost killed him; and perhaps due to the involvement of the Force, Sidious's body became deformed rather than burned. (Some people have speculated that the Force lightning deflection and feedback revealed Sidious's true from by eroding away some kind of mystical facade.) Printed literature from around the time of Return of the Jedi simply stated that the Emperor's body and features had been "gnarled" over time by his extended use of the dark side of the Force. First, the lightsaber wounds from Obi-Wan's blade, however serious, are not immediately fatal because the weapon cauterizes (seals) wounds on impact, explaining the lack of blood loss. The most devastating event in this scene is the fire, which leaves Vader scarred and deformed. There are two possible reasons why Vader could survive such an ordeal. Vader is the most powerful Jedi/Sith in the galaxy, and his power seems to give him a great resistance to or ability to fight death, more than most ordinary beings or even other Jedi. It is also said that Vader's hatred and anger (from turning to the dark side of the Force) gives him a greater source of energy, allowing him to defy his seemingly obvious fate. The Sith can also use pain to feed their hate and anger, thus strengthening them through the dark side of the Force. Sometime off-screen in between when Obi-Wan leaves him for dead and when the Emperor finds him, Vader clearly manages to extinguish the flames, either through use of the Force, or allowing it to burn out and be consumed by the soil, rocks and natural sources around him. However, he is still in critical condition with most of his skin and hair burned off and his lungs seared from the intense heat of the flames. It seems that the Emperor's arrival is the ultimate factor in Vader's survival. He uses technological methods, i.e. the medical capsule which he requests from his troops, but there is even a hint, by the way he places his hand on Vader's forehead, that he is using the Force to keep his apprentice alive long enough to be treated properly, much like he proposed he could do with Padmé. This is at least partially supported by the fact that Obi-Wan precisely echoes this gesture when he revives Luke after his encounter with the Sand People, in A New Hope. The placing of the hand on the forehead is a healing power among Jedi and it may also produce a calming effect. Clearly needing long-term support to continually stay alive, the Emperor orders artificial limbs and a survival suit be constructed for Vader (complete with internal I.V. medicines, life-support controls, and a helmet respirator connected to a battery pack to help Vader breath from his badly burned lungs).
In the canon Marvel comics, it is stated that the life support apparatus used by Darth Vader following his injuries was created by an Imperial scientist called Cylo, who also uses similar technology to create potential rivals for Vader as an apprentice at the Emperor's side. Vader had lost all of his limbs and had third degree burns all over his entire body. Burn victims are extremely susceptible to infection and Vader's lungs would have been scarred from the ash and hot air he was breathing in while burning alive. It is likely the only reason Vader survived is due to his strength in the Force and the futuristic medical technology that the Emperor commissions for him. Vader gets another robotic arm and two robotic legs, all the charred clothing attached to him is peeled off by medical droids, and he is then fitted in the cumbersome suit which would have built-in medical capabilities to protect and heal his burns while he wears it. The suit also comes with a built-in respirator which helps him breathe. Senator Bail Organa remained a member of the Imperial Senate as a representative of Alderaan, but as the Emperor moved more and more power away from the elected members of the Senate and into the hands of his own appointed regional governors (such as Grand Moff Tarkin), Bail continued to work in secret with other senators (such as ) to form the Rebel Alliance. (Deleted scenes show the first of these meetings and what is effectively the birth of the Alliance.) His work was continued by his adopted daughter, Leia, who later became a senator herself, until the Emperor dissolved the Senate completely around two decades after the formation of the Empire. Bail is killed off-screen in Star Wars (1977)A New Hope, when the Death Star destroys Alderaan. While some people consider this as a major plot hole, they simply did not read too deeply into the mysticism of the movies. It has been suggested that as Luke and Vader can sense each other as son and father; as such, it is entirely plausible that Leia had a unique, mystical bond with Padmé. Even though Padmé was not a Jedi herself, Leia's biological father was a powerful Jedi and she would have inherited similar abilities to Luke, even though she was never shown how to use them in the movies. Remember that Leia's dialogue mentions "images" and "feelings" as opposed to witnessing events. Yoda tells Luke that, through the Force, he could see "old friends long gone." It is often thought that Leia may not be referring to Padmé at all, and could be referring to Senator Bail Organa's wife who was her adopted mother (it is not made clear if Bail's wife died when Leia was young). However, this is clearly not the intended meaning of the scene, as Luke does specifically ask Leia "Do you remember your mother? Your real mother?" Leia does not react with suprise at the term "real," which would certainly suggest that she knew at that point that she was adopted, and understood to whom Luke was referring. The Sith novelization also adds an interesting twist to the whole issue. It states that immediately after Leia's birth she "stared intently in Padmé's direction, as if she wanted to memorize her face". Although this was not explicitly shown in the movie, one can assume that it is meant to be implied that this is how she is able to remember Padmé later in life. Although some people may question how she was able to remember something from when she was just seconds old, it must be acknowledged that the Skywalker twins were deeply connected with the Force because of their heritage.
In the Princess Leia canon comic, set immediately after A New Hope, Leia briefly visits Naboo. During this time she sees a relief of Padmé, claiming it looks familiar, as if she had previously seen her birth mother in Force visions. When Padmé's body is shown in the funeral procession, it appears she is still pregnant. This was done intentionally so that it seemed that she had not yet given birth at the time of her death and that the child she was carrying had died in her womb. That way, her husband (now Darth Vader) and the Emperor would not wonder what had happened to the child (or twins, as it turned out) and go and find them. During her funeral, the camera focuses our attention on her belly to hint at this deception. Additionally, a woman still looks pretty large just after giving birth. Even if there had been an attempt to say a baby had been stillborn she would have looked larger than normal. In the canon Marvel comics, Darth Vader's ally Doctor Aphra visits a mortician that prepared her body for burial. All of this is explicitly mentioned and confirmed in said conversation. Three years have passed since the start of the Clone Wars and neither side seems to be gaining much ground any longer. Supreme Chancellor Palpatine has been able to use the Clone Wars to extend his term of office, but has now apparently reached the limits to where he can stretch his emergency powers.
Step 1: So he devises a bold move, by allowing himself to be kidnapped by Count Dooku, until Anakin and Obi-Wan rescue him. As Anakin emerges victoriously and Dooku has out-lived his usefulness, Palpatine convinces Anakin to kill Dooku. According to the novelization, Palpatine's original plan was for Dooku to kill Kenobi, enabling Palpatine to recruit Anakin immediately after Dooku's death. Kenobi's survival prompted Palpatine to alter his plans slightly.
Step 2: After his rescue, which likely garnered much more sympathy for Palpatine as well as renewing the fear for Separatist aggression, the Galactic Senate grants him even more emergency powers. Palpatine receives near-complete control over the Galactic Republic for the rest of the war, the Senate fulfilling merely an advisory function. However, he knows there is only one more commander of Separatist forces to be eliminated before emergency powers will have to be returned to the Senate: General Grievous.
Step 3: Palpatine announces the appointment of planetary governors to every system of the Republic, further bypassing any influence from the Senate (as revealed in a deleted scene).
Step 4: Palpatine, under the guise of Darth Sidious, orders Grievous to move all the Separatist leaders to the planet Mustafar, stating that the end of the war is near.
Step 5: Palpatine then gives the news to Anakin as to where Grievous is hiding. So the Jedi send Obi-Wan to Utapau to capture or kill Grievous with a battalion of Clone troops.
Step 6: After Obi-Wan engages Grievous, Mace Windu orders Anakin to deliver the news to Palpatine, as the Jedi were suspicious of Palpatine as of late. During the conversation between Anakin and Palpatine, Palpatine admits (more or less) that he is the Sith Lord and tries to convince Anakin that he can save Padmé from dying in child birth if Anakin joins the dark side of the Force.
Step 7: With Grievous dead, Mace is on the way to see to it that Palpatine returns the emergency powers to the Senate, but before he leaves, Anakin returns to Mace and informs him that Palpatine is the Sith Lord. Mace and three other Jedi councilmembers go to the Chancellor's office to arrest him. Predicting that Anakin would report him to the Jedi, Palpatine waits for and engages these Jedi in lightsaber combat, easily slaying the three accompanying Mace, in mere seconds. However, Palpatine is defeated by Mace (though he might have thrown the fight when sensing Anakin approaching). At that moment, Anakin enters and Palpatine appeals to him by appearing innocent, calling the Jedi traitors, and asking for Anakin's help. Mace continues with an arrest attempt, but Palpatine makes an enormous display of resistance which backfires yet is severe enough to alter Mace's intentions and possibly impress Anakin. Palpatine is cowering and begging for his life, at this point, but Mace is finally certain of Palpatine's being the elusive Darth Sidious, a man thus far of legend. Anakin pleads with Mace that due process should be followed, desperately (and unsuccessfully) attempting to hide his true motivation of needing Palpatine alive. When Mace decides Palpatine is too dangerous to be kept alive, as the Sith Lord has control over the senate and courts, he moves to kill Palpatine, but Anakin disarms Mace (literally), allowing Palpatine to strike the finishing blow. Anakin is devastated in the knowledge that he intentionally assisted with the slaying of a fellow Jedi, but Palpatine insists that Anakin merely intervened in a traitor's plot. Willing to believe this (and unable to further attempt arrest of the Sith menace), Anakin feels he now has no choice but to become Palpatine's new apprentice, even more so to gain Palpatine's help in saving Padmé's life. Palpatine then pronounces Anakin to henceforth be known as Darth Vader, and tells him they will work together to discover the secret of cheating death and living forever.
Step 8: Having achieved a major victory, Palpatine freely dresses as his alter ego, Darth Sidious. Palpatine sends Darth Vader to the Jedi Temple with a garrison of clone troops to end the Jedi "plot" and kill every last Jedi. He then orders him to go afterward to Mustafar to kill Viceroy Nute Gunray and the other Separatist leaders.
Step 9: Palpatine contacts Clone commanders around the galaxy, commanding them to "Execute Order 66" which was a pre-coded instruction to immediately execute every single Jedi with extreme prejudice, the Jedi to be regarded as being in "rebellion." Being like living droids, the Clones do so without question.
Step 10: Darth Sidious (with his eyes overshadowed as usual, but now having a gnarled face) mendaciously promises the Viceroy peace under the auspices of the Sith and instructs him to await Darth Vader's arrival.
Step 11: Palpatine calls an emergency session of the Senate and elaborates on the "attempt on his life" by the Jedi that left him disfigured. He then announces his plan to turn the Republic "into the first Galactic Empire, for a safe and secure society." Out of sympathy for his suffering and sacrifice, the Senate enthusiastically gives him their mandate, thus making him emperor of the galaxy for life and the Empire effectively a dictatorship. The Galactic Senate then becomes known as the Imperial Senate (as mentioned in A New Hope), though has diminished power by that point.
Step 12: After Darth Vader has slaughtered everybody at the Separatists hideout on Mustafar, he is ordered by his master to shut down all of the Separatists' droid units immediately, thus ending the Clone Wars.
Step 13: Perhaps foreseeing that the Imperial Senate will one day object to his tyranny, the Emperor commissions the construction of the Death Star as a way to extort the systems into submission. Palpatine is, of course, referring to his own master, Darth Plagueis. In EU novels and comic books, an ancient Sith Lord named Darth Sion used the dark side of the Force to prevent himself from dying after sustaining fatal injuries (though this left him in great physical pain), dying only when he finally let go of his anger and hatred. Subsequent Sith achieved some success in preventing natural death, but fell in battle or were murdered by their own followers. Palpatine's own master, Darth Plagueis the Wise, was able to use the Force to prevent those close to him (like family members or friends) from dying, but unlike Sion, he could not use this power to save himself, as Palpatine murdered him in his sleep after Plagueis taught him "everything he knew." Ultimately, Palpatine told this story to Anakin in the hopes that Anakin would assume that this power could be achieved through Palpatine. Once Anakin pledges himself to Palpatine, stating that he just wants help to save his wife from dying in childbirth, Palpatine says, "To cheat death is a power only one has achieved. But if we work together, I know we can discover the secret," revealing he did not actually have this power to sustain eternal life after all. An ultimately deleted line from the opera scene had Palpatine concluding his discussion of Darth Plagueis's purported ability to save others from death with the observation that "It was an ability for which his apprentice saw no value." In essence, this is true. The last time Anakin/Vader sees his wife, Padmé, he accused her of betraying him and started to telekinetically choke her. He releases her when Obi-Wan intervenes, and she falls to the ground unconscious. This is the last time Anakin would ever see Padmé. After his brutal duel with Obi-Wan, Vader is left horribly scarred and mutilated. Obi-Wan then goes to help the weakened Padmé, ensuring she reaches a medical facility where she gives birth to twins, Luke and Leia. Already in a weakened state before giving birth, Padmé dies shortly after the twins are born. The medical droid attending to her states that she "lost the will to live", which is understandable after her devoted husband turned evil and deliberately harmed her amidst the crumbling of the Galactic Republic (along with the destruction of the Jedi Order). The Emperor saves Vader by having Vader's body reconstructed with artificial limbs and encasing him inside the infamous survival suit of black armor complete with a respirator that will sustain him. The first thing Vader asks when he regains his health in his new form is if Padmé is alive and well. The Emperor says, "It seems that, in your anger, you killed her." Although the Emperor would have been unaware that Padmé had survived long enough to give birth to her children and was therefore not directly killed by Vader on Mustafar, the reason he says this is because, at this point, everything Anakin/Vader had done (including turning to the dark side of the Force) was to ensure Padmé's survival. The Emperor clearly knew that by telling Vader that he killed the woman he loved with his own hands (so to speak) would more or less purge Vader of any trace of humanity or compassion left in him, making him a powerful agent of the dark side of the Force. There is an in-depth video explaining the likely cause of Padme's death, which can be viewed here. Alternatively, Anakin/Vader also deliberately harmed Padmé while she was pregnant, by telekinetically choking her. Although Obi-Wan intervened before Vader could kill her, Padmé still lost consciousness and the attack could well have led to complications later, on a psychological level if not a physical one. As the medic droid states "Medically she's completely healthy. For reasons we can't explain, we are losing her... We don't know why. She has lost the will to live." People who are in frail health (elderly people, or those with significant pre-existing medical conditions) have often died after a trauma or loss in their lives. Padmé and Anakin are quite in love and it was quite devastating to Padmé that the man she loved had become evil and harmed her in his jealousy and rage. In addition, her loss coincided with the dissolution of galactic democracy as well as the extermination of the Jedi, Anakin in spirit among them. 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