Tuesday 18 September 2018 photo 7/7
Green Zone Full Movie Download Mp4
DOWNLOAD: http://urllio.com/r2sm2
Following the American invasion of Iraq in 2003 Chief Warrant Officer Roy Miller and his men are charged with finding the so-called weapons of mass destruction, whose existence justified American involvement, according to the Pentagon and their man in Baghdad, Poundstone. Veteran CIA operative Marty tells Miller that there are no weapons, it is a deception to allow the Americans to take over the country and install a puppet leader. Also suspicious of Poundstone is Wall Street Journal reporter Lawrie Dayne, who lets slip to Miller that Poundstone told her he had secret talks in Jordan with an important Iraqi, code-named Magellan, who told him about the weapons, though it now seems likely Magellan's true information was to the contrary. So begins a hunt for the truth. Who's playing whom?
Discovering covert and faulty intelligence causes a U.S. Army officer to go rogue as he hunts for Weapons of Mass Destruction in an unstable region.
The Green Zone is that rarest of films—a well-written, rousing action thriller with a political conscience that perceptively deconstructs the idiocy of war. From the very first scene, the action grabs you and throttles you for the ensuing two hours—although the story is fairly complex, the exposition is handled deftly, and—despite the constantly jolting camera work—it's pretty easy to follow along with what's happening. Matt Damon delivers a strong performance as an Army Warrant Officer who truly cares about the justifications for his actions—he has no problem being a good soldier, as long as he knows that there are clear moral reasons behind what he's been ordered to do. Unfortunately, during the early days of the Iraq War, clear moral reasons were in very short supply, and Damon's character battles an array of competing military and political agendas as he searches for the truth behind the military's search for the ever-elusive Weapons of Mass Destruction rumored to be hidden in Iraq. This film is so well done, and Damon is so good in it, that I'm starting to consider the Greengrass/Damon tandem on a par with the Scorsese/DeNiro and Scorsese/DiCaprio pairings. Damon's best work (the last two Bourne films and this one) has come with Greengrass at the helm—here's to hoping they make many more fine films together.
It was the time when the whole world wants to know whether Iraq has weapons of mass destruction (WMD), and then US Army gets pressured to find evidences in Baghdad and other suspected nuclear facilities.
It has a clear and understandable story line and I find the cinematography, dialogue and action scenes great. Matt Damon acting was cool so those other actors (Iraqi counterparts).The message of the movie is political in nature and blends it fiction. It emphasizes the importance of having a "trusted source" and why it is hard to manufacture democracy in the face of deceit.
I considered this as one of Greengrass great work and if you are type of movie goers who likes action-filled scenes, twists and Bourne-like fight scenes then this is a good movie to watch.
Bourne goes epic. A wham-bam actioner, but its pointed political subtext ensures Damon and Greengrass deliver their most provocative mission yet.
Yes, Allied forces recovered thousands aerial bombs and artillery shells filled with nerve gas of the same type used by Saddam in the Iran/Iraq war and to kill over 3000 people in the Kurdish town of Halabaja in 1988. However the manufacturing system that produced them had long since been abandoned as a result of UN sanctions, Iraqi exiles fleeing the regime telling Western intelligence agencies that they were still functioning in order to convince them to liberate Iraq from Saddam's dictatorship. In interviews before his trial Saddam stated that he obstructed UN inspectors who could verify the truth so as not to lose face and expose Iraq's military weakness to Iran, thinking that any Allied campaign would be limited to airstrikes. No, Saddam was a worldwide sponsor of terrorism supporting movements such as Islamic Jihad and others and it is know that his agents met those of Osama Bin Laden for talks but there is no evidence that he provided any actual support. In interviews prior to his trial Saddam dismissed Bin Laden as a 'zealot' who would encourage Islamic extremism in largely secular Iraq. a5c7b9f00b
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