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Broadway brush on gel instructions: >> << (Download)
Broadway brush on gel instructions: >> << (Read Online)
It does not come with glue. the instructions say to use the gel to apply the tips, but I did not think that was good advice, so I used some brush on nail glue I already had on hand. They are soft of thick, and even with filing t was hard to blend the tip to the nail. Then to applying the gel. It come with a brush on gel and an activator
6 Aug 2016 It is only used to dip in the activator then spread over the nail and clean it. But more on that later. Kiss Brush-On Gel Nail Kit Set Instructions Instructions are very detailed and I suggest you read them once, if not twice, before you start doing your nails. Many steps require fast actions so you won't have time to
5 Nov 2010
I did not buy this item on Amazon but I had to leave a review because I was so pleased with this product. I got mine at Bed Bath & Beyond. The packaging looks a little different but Its still the same product. This is SO EASY to use. .I didnt understand the directions so I watched a few youtube videos which explained it better.
If you can polish your own nails, you can do this gel kit. First you find the size you need for your nails. Once you have the size you need, you brush on gel to the underside and apply them to your nails. I followed the steps given in the instructions to do one hand brushing on gel first on each nail, then the activator. It is best to
15 Dec 2011 So when I spotted this Brush-On Gel Nail Kit from Broadway Nails at Wal-Mart for only $10, I just had to try it. I'll tell you now, I was very conflicted about . According to the instructions, you apply a layer of gel + activator, and then right after that you apply another layer. The first change I made was letting the
11 Apr 2012 Apply the tips on the nails like normal stick-on fake nails; file to level them with the surface of your nail. Brush on the gel; Immediately after the gel, brush on the activator whist the gel is still wet, using the brush from the 'brush cleanser' bottle. Repeat steps 3 and 4 and wait for the nails to dry.
18 Mar 2012 **The reason I decided to make a tutorial for these Broadway Nails is because the instructions that came with the kit are tiny, not very clear and don't really have pictures. Plus I though this could also serve as, in a way, a review for the BROADWAY NAILS - Real Life Brush-On Nail Kit Here are the contents of
Avoiding skin and cuticle area, apply an even layer of Brush-On Gel to all five nails. With nails still wet, apply Brush-on Activator to one nail at a time using long, even strokes. (Be sure to dip brush into Brush Cleaner before applying to each nail.) Repeat this process on other hand.
21 Mar 2017