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Prot warrior pvp guide 6'0 260 lbs: >>'0+260+lbs << (Download)
Prot warrior pvp guide 6'0 260 lbs: >>'0+260+lbs << (Read Online)
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Nov 21, 2017 For his Legion gladiator titles, he played Protwarrior / Windwalker (Ceranation/Amyreid) / Holy Priest (Bjorke/Fjornskaggl) Protection warrior's role in PvP: Success a protection warrior generally comes down to knowing how to use your utility. I can't teach you know to do that. It's just about knowing when
Welcome to this World of Warcraft Legion Guide for Protection Warriors looking to optimize their character in end-game PvP, such as Arenas and Rated Battlegrounds. We take an alternative approach to standard character optimization class guides as we use purely leaderboard statistics to make recommendations.
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Protection Warrior guide, updated for Legion Patch 7.3.5. Learn about rotation, talent builds, stat priorities, gems, enchants, buffs, artifacts, and more.