Tuesday 3 October 2017 photo 7/30
Barangay business permit application form: >> http://bit.ly/2hILteE << (download)
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BUSINESS PERMITS AND LICENSING OFFICE. Application Incomplete application form will be returned to the applicant. 2. Barangay Business Clearance.
Requirements for Business Licensing. FOR NEW APPLICATION: Community Tax Certificate; Barangay Business Clearance; Article of Incorporation/SEC
Nov 26, 2015 Go to the Barangay Hall which has the jurisdiction over your location of business. Secure and fill out an application form for the request of
copy of mayor's permit - barangay clearance. For other applicants - accomplished Business Permit application form - barangay clearance, - locational clearance
Aug 5, 2013 You need to get a Barangay Business Clearance or Barangay permit first, and ask for the application form for business permit and fill it out.
Barangay Business Clearance is one of the permits or documents required This form is also needed when renewing your expired Mayor's Permit or Business (Cedula); DTI Business Name Registration; Barangay Business Permit Fee
Submit your completed BN application form to DTI's offices/branch; Wait for your Certificate of Registration form DTI; Barangay Clearance; Mayor's Business
This office will issue the business permit. Barangay You register with the specific barangay in the municipality . f) Building & Sanitary Permit Application Form.
Aug 4, 2016 Go to the designated Barangay Hall. Go to the permit department and ask for the application form for business permit and fill it out. Submit the