Thursday 1 March 2018 photo 4/15
Guide shoots charging bear: >> << (Download)
Guide shoots charging bear: >> << (Read Online)
bear attack after being shot
charging bear shot placement
shooting bears
brown bear charge
man shoots bear
kodiak bear charge
where to shoot a grizzly bear
grizzly bear charging hunters
1 Jul 2017 Elliot Clark was walking through woods with three family members and three dogs when the bear charged them.
17 Aug 2016 It's difficult to stop a charging bear with a 9-millimeter pistol, but Shoemaker aimed for vital areas - the first shot was to the neck - and struck the animal with seven shots, the last as the bear had turned to try to run off. Shoemaker could not be reached for comment but Dom Watts, a spokesman for Becharof
12 Nov 2014
17 Oct 2007
5 days ago This hunter learned a valuable lesson in shot placement when he experienced a Kodiak bear charge in person after wounding one with his bow. Luckily, the guide bailed him out by making a good shot with his rifle at the last second and everyone walked away from the encounter unharmed. This is a
21 Nov 2016
28 Nov 2016 In this November 2016 photo, Livingston hunting guide Justin Souza appears near the scene where he shot and killed a charging grizzly bear in the mountains near Emigrant, Montana's Glastonbury neighborhood as investigators gather evidence. Souza encountered the bear while he was elk hunting in
22 Nov 2017 An elk hunter shot a charging grizzly bear Tuesday morning west of Augusta, Mont.
9 Sep 2015 Discretion is advised): This video of a grizzly bear getting shot multiple times during a hunt is sparking debate online. Past president of the Guide Outfitters Association of British Columbia Mark Werner says, even though we do not know under what circumstances the bear was shot, hunters always need to