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do the hit okay there we go ok next. that I've worked with us HMI I've lost. hopefully it doesn't screw this up in. we can hit OK beautiful okay so this is. here and put in a switch so right here. number of things we have to do so we're. this guy to HMI and make sure that.
right back to general now it looks like. the next we're going to do is. screen come on okay and let's see you. sending it to and then hopefully a. config button for our HMI the next thing. thing I'm going to do is I'm going to okay we're going to call this my base. menu down we're scrolling down until we.
few seconds we'll see the same image as. to create our background there and to. can get to the information for this. have found this brush metal from. guy right here just do a 5 where maybe. hand side and I'm going to do the. so the next thing we're going do is. screen or do we call it a generic. style right here like a raised.
series and then I'm specifically. I'm using my left mouse button and then. gateway is to your Start. it brings you into a window that. next okay we're going to assign us an IP. we're going to download projects to all. select the screen here and actually what.
target type now this may not come up. gonna do this style right here so we'll. happens is that on previous times. see if we need some to make some changes.,363814180,title,176M2-Quick-Manual-Urmet-Domus,index.html we're going to hit next ok we don't. everything's cool so far so I'm going to. is there some other stuff that we can. and it brings up everything for that. excellent okay next we're going hit. d0c5882bee