28 September 2008
Forge Worlds Keeper of Secrets, Greater Daemon of Slaaensh, Passionens och tillfredsställelsens gud i warhammer! kan någon skaffa den åt mig???
From the Fires of The Plane of Pleasures, I was born. I was the creation of anicent magic, created by the Nefarious God of Madness. I was given the opportunity of mortal life, by the Destructive God
Kill Maim Burn, the Warcry Chant of the Chaos Space Marines! Debauchery - Kill-Maim-Burn: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zwKjol1sHM&feature=related
Baserat på Warhammer 40k, Chaos Space Marine romanen med samma namn, har kommit i ett nytt upplaga! Debauchery - Storm Of Iron: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_6mYkNQD0I&feature=rel
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