March 2012
Should he make a run or not? In his way stood a man. Confident stature. Cackling. Brandishing a curved knife. He had to think through his next move if he wished to escape the man alive.
Har du: Smeknamn? - Kinono, Ace Flickvän? - Min lilla Toto ♥ Husdjur? - Shilo och Fenton, mina ökenråttor Hobbys? - Äga ut alla på LoL, provocera och irritera folk, beteendepsykologi Styrka? -
Y u pathetic ex's R interested in ME????? Mitt patetiska ex besöker min BDB och Facebook. Vad värre är, hon får sina patetiska ex att också göra det. -.-' SCRAM!
Quick win! 16:02 - Inner turret dies 16:24 - Inhibitor is fucked 17:36 - Both Nexus-turrets goes "ka-plam" 18:23 - Bye bye Nexus!
I don't ask you to make sacrifices. Pray to your God to make the world a better place. If he ask you for a price, redeem my soul to make the change.