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Tcpdf error: could not include font definition file: inherit: >> << (Download)
Tcpdf error: could not include font definition file: inherit: >> << (Read Online)
tcpdf addttffont
call to undefined method tcpdf::addttffont()
html2pdf add font
could not include font definition file fpdf
tcpdf error: could not include font definition file: verdana
tcpdf addfont
tcpdf error: could not include font definition file: times new roman
tcpdf error: could not include font definition file: helvetica whmcs
Download >> Download Tcpdf error: could not include font definition file: inherit. Read Online >> Read Online Tcpdf error: could not include font definition file: inherit. It appears that you are using AdBlocking software. The cost of running this website is covered by advertisements. If you like it please feel free to a small
Are you sure that you are getting that error when calling addTTFfont() ? The reason I ask is because I checked the TCPDF code (just did a global search on "Counld not include font definition file") and that message only appears in the addFont() method. These two methods can be a bit confusing, but I wrote
I am getting the following error under multiple conditions, but all seem to be related to invoices. TCPDF ERROR: Could not include font definition file: c
r46617 - 2009-04-28 16:08:45 -0700 (Tue, 28 Apr 2009) - jenny - Fixing a bug in TCPDF that checks to see if the GD library is installed. It is automatically called by AddPage() and could be overwritten in your own inherited class. If it could not be found, the error "Could not include font definition file" is generated.
2 Jul 2010 Obtain a TCPDF ERROR: Could not include font definition file: inherit - Besoin d'aide / Need help ?
6 May 2008 usr/local/lib/php-5.2.1/lib/php') in ~ joomla/libraries/tcpdf/tcpdf.php on line 1909. TCPDF error: Could not include font definition file. So, I go to the language/pdf_fonts folder, and sure enough, the sazanami-gothic.php and the accompanying font file doesn't exist. I imagine that the font files for the PDFs are
Hi, with 3.4 joomla, virtuemart 3 and cf 4v had installed TCPDF action and worked well, but I switch.
26 Mar 2013 Using TCPDF (latest 6.0.004) with Drupal print module. Maybe it's not an TCPDF bug, pdf's are generating normally. Function AddFont() (tcpdf.php line 4195) produces an error message on page admin/config: TCPDF ERROR: Could not include font definition file: helvetica. Variable $fontfile contains wrong
9 Jul 2013 Using TCPDF (latest 6.0.004) as PDF generator. Maybe it's not module bug, pdf's are generating normally. Error shows up on admin/config page. TCPDF ERROR: Could not include font definition file: helvetica. Function AddFont() (tcpdf.php line 4195) produces an error message: Variable $fontfile contains
I get an error : TCPDF ERROR: Could not include font definition file: metacondnormal-roman. Though the 3 files are generated within its directory (and the directory has chmod 777). I've experienced before that font-naming is sensitive, so I tried all kind of combinations, from the original TTF filename