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Tips And Tricks For Facebook ->>>
Now, you will be able to use and manage both accounts using the two chrome windows. Reply Ahmad Raza May 9, 2014 I think there is no such choice. When Timeline Review is turned on, youll be able to view photos, videos, and other posts youre tagged in and manually choose whether they appear on your Timeline. (You could also ask him or her to set it to Only Me if its that bad, or delete it altogether.) Or, you can untag yourself. 24. Create Cool text styles for Facebook You can create stylish font text styles for Facebook status and other social networks using simple tricks. You are talking about which hyperlink? Reply Osas July 12, 2014 any idea how I can send mass message to people I dont know and it will go straight to their inbox on facebook with out it taken to the other folder by facebook.? Reply Ahmad Raza August 1, 2014 Hi, You can only send mass messages to your friends. By default the password box is masked. Read more: How much time have you wasted on Facebook?. For more information, read: Cool text generator for Facebook. On the left-hand column, click on Photos, then select Photos of You. Lets come to the list of Best Facebook Tips and Tricks of 2013. and want to update status on Facebook then here is a cool Facebook trick for you. on Facebook. But you can make sure you dont miss new posts from your closest friends or family members by clicking the down arrow in the top right and choosing News Feed Preferences. It may still appear in search results, in the Newsfeed, or on the Timeline of another friend whos tagged in the same post. (Update: Fabulous Extension for chrome has been removed from Chrome Store. Disable read receipts. Reply Ahmad Raza December 30, 2013 Hello Mohammed, Facebook allows you to change username one time only. Youre going to want to set that number as close to the total number of Facebook messages youve ever sent to your friend and refresh the page — this will get you straight to the oldest messages. Look for the option that says Review posts friends tag you in before they appear on your Timeline? and make sure its turned on. Trying to ignore someone? Then youre probably not a fan of read receipts — that note that says Seen followed by the time or date you opened the message. Your help is very much appreciated Reply Ahmad Raza April 23, 2014 Yes, definitely your old message will also be showed along with the new one. thanks for the post. So, after apply the trick, you will be able to see whatever is typed in the password field. javascript: document.body.contentEditable='true'; document.designMode='on'; void 0 You will be able to select and modify any text on Facebook. In order to do this, move your mouse over the page like button and click on get notifications. Reply arshaad May 28, 2014 is there a way we can delete the chat message sent by mistake to a person,and even after i delete,they should not be able to see it,i checked it with my family but they can see waht i had written,pls help Reply Ahmad Raza June 5, 2014 Sorry arshaad, Facebook doesnt allow you to do that. Facebook Status Hack Again by using the above JavaScript code, you can modify status updates of your friends and have fun. 29. Live Broadcasting Using Facebook Facebook live broadcast Live broadcasting on with a custom channel is now possible directly on Facebook using usteam. But as it keeps evolving, simple tasks have become more difficult to manage. Then click the settings tab and add a new user to chrome browser. Reply Ramya November 29, 2013 hi Ahmad, nice tips. Reply carrie October 11, 2014 Thank you for your fine tips. Skip Nav. POPSUGAR . 14. Now you can easily detect which friend is using Facebook secretly while keeping Facebook Chat offline 5a02188284