March 2011
[12:58:23]Joined Channel: [2. Trade - City] [12:58:23]Changed Channel: [3. LocalDefense - Shattrath City] [12:58:35][2. Trade] [Quazythian]: no [12:59:05]Changed Channel: [1. General - Nagrand] [12:59
[16:18:54][Nizhogg] has earned the achievement [Explore Thousand Needles]! [16:19:07][Nizhogg] has earned the achievement [Thousand Needles Quests]! [16:19:15][G] [Béllator]: gz :D [16:19:45][G
[14:01:17][W:From] [Valkesh]: besides [14:01:23][W:From] [Valkesh]: imma make my buddy ache much more than me [14:01:36][W:From] [Valkesh]: he told me he wanted to be so sore that he can't move the ne