Friday 11 September 2009 photo 1/1
det här är vad jag menar med "dense as a brick" :
Later, after Ryoma had beaten Momo 5-1 on the tennis
courts, they were walking home, ripping at each other
Ryoma looked back at his now-boyfriend and smirked.
“Momo-senpai just has no stamina.”
Momo frowned and glared at the younger boy. “I’ll show
you stamina. I’ll show you stamina all night long.” Then,
actually hearing what he had just said, Momo abruptly
blushed and put a hand over his mouth, unable to believe
he had honestly just said that.
Thank God Ryoma was as dense as he was and obviously
didn’t know what he meant. “What does that even mean?”
Ryoma asked, narrowing his eyes and looking at Momo in
disdainful confusion. “Momo-senpai doesn’t make sense.”
Hahaha, retard i texten XD
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