17 April 2009
Ojojojoj, nu var det ett tag sedan jag lade upp en bild känns det som, men jag har inte hunnit vara inne på datorn denna veckan typ. Men i dag hade jag lite tid över så... now i'
I would hold you in my arms I would take the pain away Thank you for all you've done Forgive all your mistakes There's nothing I wouldn't do To hear your voice again Sometimes I want to call you but I
I'm sorry for blaming you for everything I just couldn't do And I've hurt myself by hurting you Some days I feel broke inside but I won't admit Sometimes I just want to hide 'cause it's you I miss You
Hahahaha, liiite efter! Jag är ledsen att ni som inte har träffat mig IRL har sett mitt ''nya'' hår eftersom jag inte har hunnit lägga in bild. Men här är det ;D Enjoy!
It's like I've been awakened Every rule I had you breakin' It's the risk that I'm takin' I ain't never gonna shut you out Everywhere I'm looking now I'm surrounded by your embrace Baby I can see your
When life offers you a dream so far beyond any of your expectations, it’s not reasonable to grieve when it comes to an end.Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things through my eyes th
Jag har en fråga bara, varför är alla gamla gubbar inne på min sida och kollar? (18+) Svar gärna? :/ Wiierdo...
B- Iknow what you are. You´re incredible fast and strong. You´re skin is palewhite and icecold. You don´t go out in the sunlight, You dont eat or drink. E- Say it... out loud. S
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