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Razortooth Movie Hindi Free Download
Two prisoners escape through the swamp land in Everglades and the search party is attacked by a giant mutant eel and is considered missing. The Animal Control agent Delmar Coates is searching a missing dog with his ex-wife Sheriff Ruth Gainey-Coates and he discovers the remains of the animal. Meanwhile members of a canoe club organize an expedition through the swamp. When Sheriff Ruth organizes a manhunt to capture the criminals, Delmar informs that his former friend, Dr. Soren Abramson, who is chasing the eel with a group of college students, is the responsible for mutant species. Sheriff Ruth organizes two teams to hunt the prisoners and the eel.
Four college students travel deep into the Florida Everglades to earn some extra credit for their biology class. Little do they know, the reason they're there is not to research eels; their professor has created a genetically modified super-eel, and they must capture it, or kill it. Meanwhile, Dr. Soren's old friend, Delmar, is also on the trail of the eel, while Delmar's ex, the sheriff, is chasing after two escaped convicts. When all of these groups converge, the results are exciting... and deadly!
... the old fifteen foot amphibious, carnivorous tree eel ploy.
If you're looking for "serious" horror, look elsewhere. This is not a film to be taken very seriously; it is not the next "The Exorcist", or anything remotely close to movies of that caliber. It seemed to me that the film makers knew that, already had it in mind when they made the movie. It's campy... not necessarily good campy, but again, it seemed like the cast and crew were looking to make a film that might entertain and amuse you for a few hours. I'm not saying that they succeeded, but I think that they knew that this film wasn't going to be up for any Oscars.
If you're absolutely bored out of your mind, and are desperate to watch pretty much any horror flick, you might find something in this film worthwhile. I reiterate, "might".
The first half of this movie is bearable. Although, some inconsistent things happen like people walking around, terror in their eyes, too afraid to look backwards, while nobody at that point has a clue about the existence of the creature. Once they learn about its existence, it turns out that each an every character has an IQ of around 20. If you really, REALLY want to be killed, then you might do what these people do, provided you are lobotomized first.
And if that stupidity (and believe me, it is NOT fun to watch-- it is the only reason that I think this movie is not watchable and deserves the 4 out of 10 that I give it-- it's pure, 100% annoyance that ruins all fun completely) isn't enough; there are other large inconsistencies that are simply impossible, but that apparently the director wants us to take for granted. This eel can bite a man in half in one scene of the movie, and it comes through the waste-pipe of a shower-bath in the next. In one scene it lifts up grown men, throwing them in trees-- and the eel is described to be pure muscle by this professor dude-- while in the end our hero wrestles with the creature, in the water no less(!), and keeps it under control with his bare arms. Yeah right. What an insult. Pure waste of time.