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Ffxiv paladin guide 2017: >> << (Download)
Ffxiv paladin guide 2017: >> << (Read Online)
The Sword, the Shield, and the Holy Spirit – A FFXIV PLD Guide · Ari Aquitane. August 3, 2017. Class Guides · 5. Paladin is the king of party utility and mitigation. The DPS rotation is relatively straightforward, flexible, and forgiving, but the joy of the job lies in clever optimization of cooldown management and pi.
FFXIV info on Paladin actions, traits, combos and materia. The best equipment for your Paladin constantly changes depending on what was added in the latest patch so it is important to do your own research on top of this guide. We have broken the equipment down into tiers in order to give some indication of what you
I've been Googling around for a paladin guide (rotation, BiS gear, etc) and I've found a few but they're all from 2015 or earlier. Can anyone link
16 Apr 2017
12 Aug 2017
24 Jun 2017 FFXIV Tank Role Actions: Guide & FAQ. All you need to know about the Tank Role Actions introduced in Stormblood! Hey guys! In Stormblood, the cross-class skill system was completely replaced with the Role Action System. Here we talk all about the Tank Role Actions, and what's best to use! What Jobs
20 Jul 2017 A guide for Paladin in Final Fantasy 14 (FFXIV) Stormblood including guides on stat priority, role abilities, rotation, and defensive cooldown usage.
28 Jun 2017 Abstract The theory here is that your overall potency per second will be amplified, even if only slightly, if you hit Requiescat right as Fight or Flight is wearing off, so that the physical attack will benefit from FoF's buff without wasting any portion of either buff. Your opening DPS will be lower, but your overall
19 Sep 2017 FFXIV Gladiator (GLD) Leveling Guide. How to level up These spawn every 5 levels up until 50, and can give you notable rewards (besides, you NEED to do them to become a Paladin). L6 Skill Unlocked . The quest to become a Paladin is Paladin's Pledge, found in Gladiators' Guild. Completing this
6 Oct 2016 Hey all :) Just starting to get into tanking and am wondering if there is a good, comprehensive guide out there for Paladins? I found the Reddit thread with the visual guide, but am look for something that covers topics such as stat distro, melds, BiS gear, cross class abilities, etc. Anyone have a